
I'm scared to use store-bought bedding for my hamster because of bugs...?

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What are good options please... And non-toxic for the little dwarf...:(




  1. Well, avoid pine and cedar since they are toxic anyway. Aspen and Carefresh are great options, but they do have the possibility of coming with mites even if bought from the store. What most people do, is freeze the bedding for 24-48 hours before using it to kill any buggies off.

  2. The cotton wool type bedding is nice and soft and warm. For a treat you could occassionally put in a SMALL handfull of dried grass (hay) Not a lot in case it upsets their tummies because they will eat it.

  3. Use pre- packaged branded bedding which would not have the possibility of mites or bugs in them. The following site would give you good bedding ideas -

    I personally prefer Aspen Shavings and Carefresh and have had no such problems in many years of using them for my variety of hamsters.

    Besides commercial bedding, toilet paper is a good and cheap alternative for hamster bedding. Always use only unbleached, untreated and non fragrant toilet paper. Rip it up and mix it with some aspen shavings for the bedding. Do not throw the empty toilet roll tubes. Give them to your hammies who like them as toys for gnawing and tunneling.

  4. I didn't like the smell of the chips, I tried and succeeded with no scent toilet paper.  Not only did she like it but she actually used it as bedding as well.

    Hope this helps.

  5. I totally understand what you mean. Most of those cedar and wood and pine bedding at the stores carry little black bugs. So with my hamsters I dont even use wood bedding. Buy Carefresh Pet Bedding. It comes in a green bag and the bedding is gray. It's some type of non-toxic carboard, I believe, that is SUPERDUPER soft and It's totally healthy and all my hamsters love it. It's the type of bedding that pet stores use and vet offices. It's really great. So really go out and try it. Of all my 6 years of buying it, I've never found a single bug! =)

  6. there are no bugs in the bedding at the friend has used the store bought stuff 4 3 years no bugs........ok?

  7. Simple toilet paper! Just rip it up into the squares and let him do the rest, fun, cheap and absorbent, just as long as you remove it everyday.

    I used it for my rats, they love it, plus it's non toxic.

  8. How about Carefresh bedding?  It's paper material and comes in all kinds of colors.  I use Aspen.  It's bug free.

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