
I'm scheduled for a cervical biopsy because of two abnormal paps. Im terrified!! Any advice or info to share??

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Back in November I got my normal yearly pap and it came back abnormal. I found out that I have high risk HPV, but my doctor had me wait 3 months to get another one because she said it could sometimes go away on its own. My second test came back normal. Well she went ahead and scheduled me for a follow up, which I had just gotten done and now find out that it is abnormal again, and that the cells are at more advanced stage than before. I have a biopsy scheduled for thursday and I am terrified for lots of reasons. The nurse told me it wasn't cancer, but I am still scared and don't really know what to expect. I'm afraid of the biopsy hurting and more afraid of the results.




  1. i have had this done twice.. and once i had to have the abnormal cells burned off.. it's not that bad honestly.. it's just gonna be uncomfortable at first but it's gonna be fine honey.. good luck

  2. This is so common in women. Don't be afraid, it doesn't hurt. Just wait and see what they say, 1 out of 2 women have to have this procedure done at some point in their lives. Not a big deal, you'll be fine.

    The nurse never should have told you that, she has know way of knowing without a biopsy, very unprofessional. Most likely they will take it out and all will be fine. Cervical cancer, if that is what is is, is the most treatable kind of cancer and has the highest success rate.Good Luck

  3. I had a two abnormal paps positive for HPV the not the HPV that can cause cancer but the wart causing kind (although I have never had genital warts) and had the colposcopy biopsy done, it wasnt painful at all, I was glad I did it because the results came back normal and relieved my stress.

    Good Luck, just relax and know that if there is anything there you are doing something about it now and it can be treated early. The only time to be scared is if you ignored it and it became advanced.  

  4. The biopsy won't hurt, it will just be uncomfortable, a little bit more uncomfortable than a normal pap.

    In regards to the results, well - there is nothing no one can say to you that lives here on earth that will make you feel better.  My advice, give that fear up to God, He is the only one who can truly calm your heart.  Put all of your trust and faith in God and know that what ever happens, He's got your back.

  5. first up, relax! Its like a pap smear, but they use a camera, and they pluck out a little piece of your cervix to test. It may sting a little, and you may bleed a little afterwards. As you know with pap smears, its better to be relaxed, so try deep breathing to settle you a bit :) The instrument they use to get the sample is like a pair of tongs. It looks nastier than it actually is, so dont freak when you see it :P

    As for the results, once they have them back, they work pretty fast, and will book you in for laser treatment if you need it. I was at c3 level, so Ive had this done, it was uncomfortable and a tad sore, but Ive had teeth out that hurt more lol

    At the very least, they will schedule you for another biopsy in 3 to 6 months time, to keep an eye on things. If it comes to laser surgery, its a good thing because its NOT cancer, and the laser sugery will ensure nothing has a chance to get to to the cancerous stage.

    Good luck..and try to relax :)

  6. i went through the same thing several months ago.  i was terrified and burst out crying in front of my doc.  she said that it's no big deal- you'd be amazed at the number of people that actually have it.  she said one of the big factors is an immune system that's down, in my case, due to stress.  make sure you get enough rest and really make sure you eat properly.  if you get your immune system built back up, things will be fine.  she also told me that once you get a normal pap, it doesn't come back.  supposedly, when you go in remition, it doesn't show back up again.  it's real easy to tell people not to stress about things, it's another thing to actually do it.  if you're in a bad situation that is stressing you, remove yourself from it.  stress kills people every day and does unbelievable things to your body.  i was one big lump of stress, but i'm changing a lot of things in my life and know that my health is going to get better with the changes.  good luck to you and try not to worry.

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