
I'm seeing an ear specialist at the hospital, what can I expect?

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What will the specialist do?

Can someone please describe an appointment with an ear specialist?

Thank you




  1. heya this isn't answering the question but it's to do with the driving query you asked for help with.

    I’m disabled too and am a learner driver who has recently completed this process. what you need to do is download a form from the Driving and Vehicles Licensing Agency (DVLA). Then post it. You can do this from the website Once you have sent the form off medical advisers will then look through your application and will then contact doctors, physiotherapists if necessary in addition to using the information you have included on the form about your disability. What you must do and this is essential is you apply early and speaking from personal experience you really need to. I applied 3 months late after my birthday and I totally regret it as I could have been driving sooner. What is also vital is you keep in contact with them and do this regularly as you need to check up on your application to just see how things are progressing. Their phone number can also be found on the link above. I phoned them every 2/3 weeks. Then once the medical advisers are satisfied with the information given to them they will then send you your provisional driving licence. The next stage is to have an assessment by the Regional Driving Assessment Centre (RDAC).  They will take you onto a quiet area for you to practise driving and using the adaptations if required. They have lots of these centres all over the country, so you are guaranteed to find one near where you live. Once this assessment has been done you should have a better idea of what you are going to need to help you with driving. Then it’s onto the final stage of this process of finding a car, a driving instructor and having the adaptations fitted. Good luck with the driving : )

  2. Initially you see the audio technician. This is a non-medical health professional who operates the hearing testing machine. You are subjected to a series of bleeps in each ear at varying volumes and pitches. You have to say which ear heard it. After that you see the audiologist, the doctor who decides whether or not you need a hearing aid, an operation or if things are just fine. Sometimes the audiologist will seek additional tests: I had a CT scan and an MRI.

    The audiologist is the person who will decide which treatments are best for you or, if as in my case, no treatment is possible.

  3. he will check your ears and their functions ,

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