
I'm seeking downloadable flight routes information, for al European flighs. Need to import to database.?

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For my study, I am looking for a database (if possible up to date) of all european (or even Worldwide) flight routes. I would need the names of the two airports it connects, and the airline company name.

Previously, somebody has answered to me with the a link to: This does provide some products, but they are either very expensive, or do not provide a full download of all options.

I need to download the data, since I would like to import it into an excel file, and do some analysis on it.

Can anyone help me?




  1. Well...

    Those routes are not exactly standard.  When going from airport x*x to airport YYY, many routes will differ depending on:  aircraft capability, enroute weather, fuel consumption, terrain, passenger loading, political situations, military activity, traffic congestion, etc.

    When filing a flight plan, dispatchers file a proposal.  ATC then alters it as necessary to conform to their needs.  for instance, a twin turboprop will probably not fly over the top of the mountains, instead flying around them (they don't all climb high enough to maintain safety over the tops of the highest peaks), whereas a turbojet will have enough capability to outclimb even the highest of mountains.

    If there is a large thunderstorm over  airport ZZZ, aircraft will generally fly around it, rather than through it.  Some aircraft may be able to fly over it, while some need to deviate around.

    My point is, every single flight, done by every single airline is individually planned with respect to safety, efficiency, speed, convenience, and so forth.

    There are "preferred" routes published in airway manuals, but those are simply preferred.  Pilots and dispatchers frequently deviate from these in order to ensure the safest route for each individual flight.

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