
I'm self-conscious about this...can anyone help..,?

by  |  earlier

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so a few weeks ago i went to planned parenthood...was told i had genital warts...i went to get a second opinion at the county hospital...Doctor there thinks its folliculitis...,about 2 months ago i did use nair down there...,i dont know if thats what caused those small bumps..but now i have more than 1..they're tiny..and when i pop them it bleeds...any feedback on this?...i also tested negative for herpes 1 and 2.., ur advice is greatly appreciated!!! :)




  1. For one thing, don't pop anything that's showing up in your nether regions. Good way to increase your chances of contracting an STD. Also, Nair is a bad idea as it's extremely harsh on the skin. The bumps could be ingrown hairs or chemical burn from the nair. Genital warts tend to show up around the glans-p***s and in little clusters.  

  2. Well sences you've been tested most likey its just a hair bump u can get more than one or lil hair stubby things its normal but just n case ur still worryed wont hurt to go check agian

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