
I'm seriously considering selling my car for a gas scooter. Has anyone in a similar situation done the same?

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I live in Memphis, TN, where it almost never snows and is fairly warm year round (although Feb. can get downright cold.) With gas prices, combined with a car note and insurance, I'm paying like $750/month just to drive! That's too d**n much! I could just buy a scooter for $1500 and pay $100/yr for insurance and like $10/ month for fuel. My commute to work is only 7 miles, which I do on a bike half the time anyways. (I despise the high cost of gas).

Has anyone else forsaken the American way of life that is ravenous consumption of fuel and frivolous, wasteful spending on unneccesarily large vehicles in favor of the cheaper, more efficient, nimble scooters? How's that working out for ya?




  1. im in a similar situation myself. instead of gas scooter, im considering a motorcycle.  same difference. i think you should go for it.  good luck.

  2. I say Yes, I just traded in my Lincoln Avaitor for a mini cooper convertible!  This was the best decision, my cooper gets 3x the gas mileage than the aviator!

  3. I'm not an expert on this, but I would suggest you take a tour here,there are expert's tips over there.

  4. I have been wrestling with this decision for 2 weeks. The only thing holding me back is that I have two boys and I wouldnt be able to drive anywhere with them unless I borrowed my moms car. If you dont have kids I say go for it!!!

    I think I am actually going to sell my truck and get a small 4 door car instead. My truck gets 15 mpg and the cars I have been looking at get around 25-30 mpg. Good Luck

  5. you probably should ifr your paying $750

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