
I'm seriously heartbroken!:(?

by Guest66678  |  earlier

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i split up with my boyfriend about 2 months ago and its are year anniversay coming up. i was so gutted when we split up and all i wanna do is get back with him. every time i see him he tells me he loves me and kisses me and stuff but when i ask him out he will just say no. everyone is saying i can do better but i just cant accept that because all i want is him. what shall i do! please help me in some way




  1. Be over with him. Treat him like he's a stranger, even it is going to be hard.

    And yeah. move on, he does not want to be with you anymore, let him go, focus on something else.

    I know we all feel like he is the only guy on the planet when we are in love and no one will ever match him in our heart, but if he is not there that does not matter anymore. Somebody else will show up, you will have a different, more beautiful story maybe.

    So forget about him, focus on you and the future. and...good luck!! (i'm in the same position right now...)

  2. How could it be your year anniversary if you split up?You need help move on!!!

  3. time will heal you .... date someone else and  you will see this other guy was not nearly what you need  

  4. Looking for Jesus isnt a bad idea. But if your not into that then you need to accept he doesnt want to be with you anymore. if he says no when you ask him out then you need to realize that its over for you and him and maybe he just wants you as a friend. But obviously you still have strong feelings for him and a friendship wont do it for you. So you need to stop seeing him completely. Just until you are strong enough to see him and not think of him as the love of your life. I had a friend that went thru the same thing and I cant tell you how stubborn she was for not letting go, but she soon realized that she had to and she is really happy now. its going to be hard, no body said it was easy but your the only one that can help your self right now. keep your mind off of him, do something exciting with friends or start a hobby.  

  5. What you need to do is let go.  Don't let him kiss you, and don't listen to him when he says he loves you; obviously he doesn't, if he's not really willing to go out with you at all, or come over to your house or whatever, then that's not true love.  Go ahead and try to let go and learn to stand on your own, and eventually you will find someone who will truly love you.

  6. Look for Jesus.


  7. I know what you are going through.. My ex was my love and I loved him. He would tell me he loved me, he wanted me. However he didn't want to be with me. There is going to be a time when you just have to wake up and say no more.  I think you just haven't gotten there yet. I did. its gonna be hard.. good luck!

    Now. I met someone who loves me for me and my husband is the love of my life..

  8. You keep focusing on how things should be if you were still together and you arent. Your focus needs to be on moving on. If there is anyway for you not see him anymore, that would be a great first step.  

  9. I am very sorry for your pain because I know to well how you are feeling.  

    You need to tell him to stop playing mind games with you. He loves you but doesn't want to spend time with you ? What's up with that.

    I know it can be very very hard to resist temptation but please don't make a fool of yourself. Don't sound desperate on the phone because he is going to take you for advantage. (booty call)

    Love is not logical so when people tell you that you can do better, tell them they obviously don't know what you are feeling and going through because you and you're ex still have unresolved issues.

    I don't know if you two can remain friends but start with that. who knows what the future holds. Nothing is impossible when it comes to the matter of the heart and love.

    Take care and yes, ask god for strenght

  10. First off it sounds like this guy is being cruel and toying with your emotions. You can do better even though you don't think you can, you owe that to yourself. When your anniversary day comes up, avoid him completely!! Gather a group of your friends and have a girls night, go out or stay in, watch movies and just hang out. That way you have support of people who care about you.

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