
I'm seriously thinking of leaving spain and going to live in Argentina?

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I live in Spain at the moment my girlfriend is from Argentina (cordoba) , i am english, she would like me to move back there with her of course i'm going to visit over christmas to take a look , however it would be nice to know from others that have done the same and how it turned out ?




  1. If you like Spain, I'm pretty sure you'll love Argentina. Cordoba is a great place to live in, I've only been there a couple of times for a holiday but it's a great place. People are very friendly and if you like soccer all will be great :) No, really, it's a great place to live.

    Give it a go!

  2. Dont think the girls are going to go for u cause you are spanish.

    Wake up mate.

    Go to Russia.


  3. Bear in mind is very different

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