
I'm seriously worried... did i break my fast?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 13 years old and i'm of course fasting BUT it's a disaster because i didn't eat much before sunrise and i accidentally ate something... it didn't go down my throat because i quickly realised...

have i broken my fast?

after that i didnt eat anything and im continuing to keep my fast but have i broke it?




  1. No, if you eat something by accident (even if it is in your stomach) you still didn't break your fast. It's by accident :)

  2. Nope! if it didn't go in your stomach then you didn't eat it so your fast is not broken.

  3. no i dont think so

  4. yes u broken ur fasting.if a food goes into ur mouth than u have broken ur fast. my dad is a pastor so i know, am 14.all u can do now is to pray and eat

  5. It depends on your definition of fasting. Your body may have gained a negligible amount of nutrients by food being in your mouth (and thus residual food making it into your body). However, this hardly qualifies as having broken a fast.

  6. if it didn't drop down your throat and into your stomach,

    well then, you didn't eat it

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