
I'm seventeen, if I went into a store to buy a lottery ticket, do you think they would card me?

by  |  earlier

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Its not like it would hurt anyone right?

My mom has been buying me lottery tickets since I was like five, but I just sort of want to do it for myself.




  1. Just like any other age sensitive matter, it will depend on how old you look and how seriously the counter person takes their job.

  2. nobody cads for lottery tickets

  3. Yes because you are underage. Your mom is either not a smart mother, or more likely she bought the tickets herself and said you can fill one out, but if you did ever win she would have to collect the money and it would be hers because you are not of age. She could, however, have shared with or given the money to you.

  4. Why bother?  If you win a large prize, the lottery legally cannot and will not pay the prize.

  5. usually convience stores that are somewhat busy won't ID you if you look like you could be 18. They are already worried they won't ID the right person when it comes to cigarettes. If you live in New Jersey you never get ID'd unless youre in a liqour store or tobbaco shop.

  6. Employees are supposed to card anyone that looks even close to the age. I know for buying alcohol, you're supposed to card anyone who looks 30 or younger.

    If I was you, I'd just wait till I turn 18. It's not an eternity or anything.

  7. You have to be old enough to get the money if you win.Otherwise you have  to ask your mom.

  8. give it a try if they sell it to you , maybe you could get a reward if you turn them in . then you wont need the ticket

  9. im 16 and i cashed in 5 tickets..and they didnt card me..i guess it depends on where you go and how you look..

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