
I'm sick, please help! Quick cures to get over a cold??

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Sore throat, headache, runny nose.. etc...




  1. use something with menthol in it (vick's vapo rub is an option) or eucalyptus to clear your airways. This should make it easier to breathe, especially when you sleep. A hot shower will also allow the steam to open up your nasal passages. Drink hot liquids, tea, water, and plenty of juices (cranberry is a good idea because you will be able to move the germs out of your body even faster by going to the bathroom) Dress warmly in layers to allow your body to sweat out any change in temperature. If your throat is bothering you too, swallow a spoonful of honey every few hours to alleviate pain and use losanges (Hall's medicated are a good one to use). Sit upright to allow any congestion to drain, but make sure to get plenty of rest as well. Feel better!

  2. As soon you get sore throat  gargle with hot salt water  atleast three times morning when you get up, noon time and before you go to bed. at night Drink only warm water. food also should be warm. L ight food is better.Take bath only in warm water,head bath to be avoided. Don't expose your body to  cold and keep the    body warm.Take rest as much as possible and do not undertake too much physical work.  You should sneeze/spit out the phlegm as much as possible to avoid post cold cough..This regimen, if continued for 4-5 days will completely cure your cold by your body itself and you will be immune to cold for next six monthsFor quick cure you should consult a G.P..

  3. Take Hotwater Honey and Lemon, also take Garlic capsules through out the year tht stops most colds getting in your system go to bed with a water bottle wrap your self up and sweat it out of you also get a hot bath even if you do get too hot still stay in bath or under your covers it goes put your head over steam to get rid of your mucus runny nose.

  4. Quick, somewhat.

    Effective, I find.

    Expensive, a little, but I find its worth it.

    Cold Fx. Some people (my family) swear by it, others says its the placebo effect, but get yourself a bottle, follow the instructions and your symptoms will die down, stay on it for 2 weeks and that cold won't reappear.

  5. Take soluble Aspirin like Disprin in half a glass of water.Result n 15 minutes

  6. Drinking tea with cayenne pepper is good. Cayenne pepper has a natural antibiotic in it.

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