
I'm sick!!! Please help.?

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Okay. So I have a pretty standard sinus infection that came on around yesterday.... and school starts tomorrow. Im so mad about my luck.. but anyways. Does anyone know some good home remedies or things I can take that would kill the infection a lot sooner and make me feel better.

I've been sleeping pretty much all day. And drinking a lot.




  1. Sorry no but you can google it up

  2. I have that same sort of thing, I dont know how to get over it.....we take sudaffed pe, but that doesnt seem to be working. If you find someway to get over it faster, let me know!!!

  3. Saline nasal spray - it'll help dry it out.  Take a benadryl tonight.  Get some cold and sinus medication - I like Alleve cold and sinus the best.  Even Advil cold and sinus works good.  Take a warm shower and just stand there in the steam. Other than that it's going to have to run it's course.

  4. Having what you think is a sinus infection only start yesterday makes me think that this may not be an infection at all.  It would need about 5-7 days to incubate in order to determine that it's a bacterial infection.  That being said, what you really want is to feel better.  How about holding your head over some steaming water with a towel over your head.  Obviously, don't burn yourself.  Definitely drink a lot of fluids since you will lose a lot.  Can you take any over the counter sinus medication?  Motrin sinus is pretty good.  It figures that you get sick right when you have to go back to school.  I hope you feel better soon and good luck at school.  

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