
I'm sick. and i dont know what i should do.. and i don't really have any medicine.?

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I've been sick for awhile. And i got over a little bit of it. But i still got a little sour feeling in my stomach and kind of a cotton ball throat.. i don't know if i should throw up or not.. because it might make me more sick? or should i make myself throw up.. to get it out of me?




  1. If you can make yourself throw up, that always help me.  Once you get it out you always feel better.

    Have you heard of the BRAT diet.  Banana, Rice, Apple sauce and Toast.  If you have an upset stomach due to sickness, you are supposed to eat the BRAT diet for a few days to let your stomach feel better.  Make sure to drink a lot of fluids also.

    Get well soon!

  2. How long have you been sick?  What was going on when it hit you?  What had you eaten?  Is there pain or just nausea?  We need more info darlin.

  3. I'd drink pedialyte

  4. If you  have  a  heat  pad  it  will comfort  you. Or  warm  a  small towel in  microwave.  Pept  Bismol  or  antacid  tablets  can  ease  stomac most  cases. Sip  warm  liquids  or light soup. Salt  water  gargel or  mouthwash  for  sore  throat.  If  get  worse,  high  feavor,  bad  pain  contact  ER or  Dr  soon.  

  5. go to the doctor!

  6. im sorry... sounds bad.  ehh. i would not throw up unless you need to.. watch tv or somethiing to keeep your mind off it. and eat ice cubes.. thats what my mom has me do:)

  7. Not to be sexist or anything, but why is it always the men who can't take care of themselves?

    This sounds similar to Gastro. It's a tummy bug that, depending on the severity, will not let you hold down food. Also, it will give you a nauseated feeling when standing up, walking around or even just sitting.

    I have gotten Gastro about 5 times, and i can tell you now, it is the WORST sickness i have EVER had. Ive only had it severely once, and as i couldnt hold down food, I lost 2kgs. Usually Gastro lasts about 4 days or so, but can last anywhere between 8 hours, and 8 or so days.

    You should definitely go to the doctors. Gastro can become quite serious of it gets to the point where you're constantly gagging and trowing up the contents of your stomach. Some people need hospitalizing in order to recover.

    Gastro also causes a high and low temperature. Even if you feel cold, your body temperature could be high. And vice versa.

    You need to contact the doctor somehow. Ring if you dont feel like going out, but either way, you need to talk to a professional.

    I would reccomend:

    1. Taking your temperature. If its high, you should lie in bed (no electric blankets) and get a cold flannel to put on your face. If its very very high, lie in bed with just a singlet and shorts on. You might FEEL cold, but your thermometer doesnt lie! [Unless its broken, of course!]

    If its low, put on a jumper and lie in bed with a blanket. CHeck your temperature every 20 minutes. It usually goes up and down frequently.

    2. Dont have a hot shower or bath. Your temperature is very unreliable, and will change constantly. If you get too hot, you can get evenmore nauseous.

    3. Lie somewhere that you have easy access to everything you need (Phone, Front Door, Drinks, The Remote :] Bucket if you feel sick, etc)

    4. Let someone know you're sick. If something goes wrong and you pass out, they'll usually come over to check on you anyway, and help you.

    Go to the doctors as soon as possible. I wouldnt drive if you feel nauseous, as you can sometimes faint.


  8. Do you have insurance?  I think a doctor would provide a better answer than someone on yahoo.

  9. Sip some water and nibble on saltine crackers. If you're still sick after a couple days, go to the doctor.

  10. describe your other symptoms like swollen tonsils or maybe running nose? if you feel dizzy then you probably have a viral infection, just sleep it off or go to the doc

  11. Seriously try some soup, It can't hurt.

  12. good question! eat an apple (eat an apple a day keeps the doc away) duh

  13. with or with out insurance/with or with out any money go to the emergincy room tell the nurse you have been feeling poorly for 3 weeks but just keep taking pepto but it only works for the day. tell them the truth about what is going on. let them check you out. they are your best information about you. But I will tell you that you need to see a doctor once per year so you get a medical file on your self sort of an information disc so they will have something to look at. after all your not a gas engine. Parts are very costly need to do all the maintenance you can.

  14. go to the doctor.

    you'll feel better if you do

  15. If you need to throw up, then your body is trying to get rid of something, so dont hold back on that.  You could get sick by NOT throwing up, if your body is trying to tell you something.  Do you have some chicken soup or broth?  If you have a viral infection, medicine will do no good anyway.  How about some hot tea and/or some crackers??

  16. How long is awhile?  A week, month?  Sounds like indigestion.  Are you an overeater?  Cut back on meal size.  What are you eating?  Maybe you could eliminate some things and feel better.  Do you eat to quickly?  Slow down.  Don't throw up unless you absolutely must. Sorry you're sick.. Good luck!

  17. go checked out by a dr. do not make yourself throw up.

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