
I'm sick and tired of my job...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a live in nanny for 3 kids(6yrs old,4yrs,2yrs). I work 7AM to 9PM monday thro saturday.I have to make beds, breakfast,get them ready for school,take them to school,pick them up,do laundry(for the whole house)clean up the house a little bit,help with dinner,bathe the kids,sometimes i have to help put them to sleep.The 2 yrs old child stays with me the whole day.I get paid 400$ a week.I have been doing all this for 2 years now.Is this fair??? I feel like i'm working like a slave.




  1. OK,,,from 7am to 9pm is 14 hours a day...and it's for 6 days so that averages to 84 hours a divide $400 by 84 and you are making $4.76 an hour.

    Minimum pay is $6.55.

    At minimum pay, you should be making $550 a week.

  2. you are working long hours and children can be very tiring (i have a 4 month old baby myself) but most people do not get paid to do this and especially not that much, i presume that your money isnt taxed and that means a monthly income of $ 1,600 thats pretty good in my opinion...but if you feel overwhelmed and exhausted you could try taking some time off like a vaction and go back to the job afterwards...if you really cant stand it you can quit but other jobs you may have to work even harder and barely get paid anything close to what you are getting paid now...just food for thought

  3. You are being WAY underpaid. To the below poster... Your four month old is YOURS. You don't make money to raise her because she is your child. If parents choose to hire a nanny into their homes and lives they need to be willing to pay a fair wage.

    You are working way too much, with way too much being asked of you.

    $400 a week? I would be asking for a raise, especially after being their loyal nanny for two years. It's disgusting to me to see how little parents are willing to pay for the care of their child.

    I understand that you are a live in, so you don't have to worry about paying rent, bills, utilities and the such but still. If you were working as a live in nanny, for the hours of 7am-5pm Mon-Fri, your weekly salary would be justified. Just because you live in does not mean you are expected to work until 9pm, INCLUDING doing their housework and cooking. You need downtime, too. Not just enough time to hustle to get ready for bed so you can be awake at 7am to do it all over again.

    They are taking advantage of you. After two years of loyal service they should be treating you much better. You need to sit down with the parents and discuss a raise.

    (question--what did you start out making? Was is the current wage?)

    For everything you do, the length of time you have been there and the hours worked you deserve to be making AT LEAST an additional hundred a week. Parents typically won't up and offer raises out of the kindness of their heart. They will try and avoid it. Ask. If they are not willing to work with you to make you happy and feel appreciated, you should strongly consider looking for a new position.

    (cos really, your post alone makes you sound like a pretty rockin' nanny so I doubt you would have a hard time finding a family that cares enough to pay you the amount you deserve.)

  4. its hard work. i think after 2 years you can at least ask for a small raise, that seems reasonable considering all you do

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