
I'm sick & i'm supposed to sing? Help!!!!?

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okay im starting school in (o c**p) 2 days. yesterday i had a TERRIBLY sore throat (so bad i could hardly swallow & it hurt to breathe; almost like my throat was raw) and my nose was running like crazy. i also had dizzy spells. today, my throat is better, but my nose is still running!!! the weird part is that if i try to blow it, i feel like my heads gonna implode (almost like my nose gets stuffy whenever i try to blow it.) my head feels sloshy & the nape of my neck aches. i think i can chalk that up to TONS of sinus pressure. i can hardly talk let alone sing! anyway, the point is, is that i don't know what im sick with, im starting school in a couple days, and one of my first classes is chorus!

how am i supposed to sound good when i feel like i have a headcold & my voice is cracking like crazy?! help, please!




  1. Don't let it freak you out too bad.  When you sing you should be singing from your diaphram not your head anyway.  I was a professional singer for 11 years.  I had to sing no matter how bad I felt.  Usually the audience never even noticed.  So just do the best you can.  Let your teacher know you have been suffering with the cold just in case there are any slight imperfections they might hear.  Other than that do the best you can.  Confidence is very important when singing so stay confident.

  2. maybe it well make you sound like john when he lost his voice when he sang twist and shout because he sung it at the end and it made it sound so cool

  3. Heat a little bit of honey in the microwave for about 20 seconds, add a few drops of lemon juice and swallow that.  It won't help sinus pressure, but it will sooth your throat.

    Get a doctors note so your chorus teacher knows you are really sick.

  4. well what i would do is at least try to blow your nose and get as much a fluids in you and get lots of rest!!:) and it's good that your gonna see a doctor but in the mean time just relax and at least try to blow your nose:) hope this helps oh and use your voice as little as possible

  5. buy a bottle of honey and mix it with hot water and some lemon but has to be warm or hot

    when you sleep at night pile your piollows up to stop the running nose

  6. Drink tea and if you've ever heard of Airborne, use them. They're tablets that you put in your water and they boost your immune system, gets you better quick and prevents getting a cold if you can feel one coming next time. You can get them at like Walgreens or CVS or wherever.

  7. OH NO - you have a sore throat in Chorus??!!  Talk to your school counselor - this is probably grounds for you to be expelled.

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