
I'm sick of being bashed about my beliefs ?

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I'm christian so Unless U R, please do not bash my belief. I'm begging U. If U R a christian than are u sick of it too? I want 2 do something about it soooooooooooo Bad!!!!! But I want 2 also do whats right.




  1. I hear patients in mental clinics hate it when their beliefs are bashed as well...but that doesnt make their beliefs real, does it??

    I suppose, if you wish to avoid being bashed about your beliefs, you could always keep them to yourself...  

  2. 1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

    God Bless You Sis!

  3. I'm sorry but i do have to say stop crying and being upset. Christians are at least the majority i'm not entirely sure who is bashing you about your beliefs. I've been drug through the mud quite a bit by ignorant fools who don't know a thing about buddhism.

    You have to be strong, have real reasons behind your beliefs and don't back down but also be careful not to fall into the same pattern as your attackers by bashing them when they bash you.

    I do agree that no one should be bashed for their beliefs but at least you can find a place where there are more christians to unite with. I don't know any other buddhists - where am i supposed to go?

  4. I understand what you are going through.  It is hard to deal with hateful spiteful people.  But don't let that get to you.  Keep your focus on God.  Remember what happened when Peter was walking on water towards Jesus.  He started sinking because he took his eyes off of Christ.  

    Email me sometime.  I actually have much the same problem you have.  

  5. hey i dont like bein bashed for bein a  L*****n, a transexual, a feminist, pagan, native american, hippy, or there being an age difference between me and my spouse... but what difference does it make?

    personally i hope all of you christians are at least partially right and get raptured... then i can have some rest and peace from some of the bashing i get on a regular basis.

  6. I'm Christian Too! Amen Sister! *hug*

    don't let them get you down! Come email me! I'm always available to talk!

  7. Unfortunately, it's part of the package.  Jesus said that because He is in us the world would reject us because of Him.  He was rejected while He walked the earth, even to the point of death.

    "Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man."

    ~ Luke 6:22

    "And he said, "The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life."

    ~ Luke 9:22

    ""He who listens to you listens to me; he who rejects you rejects me; but he who rejects me rejects him who sent me."

    ~ Luke 10:16

    Don't let it get you down.  It's part of carrying the cross that Jesus gave you.  Ask for the strength that you need to carry it, and for the love to love the unloveable.  God will take care of you, just trust Him.

  8. Then stop sharing them.

    Keep them to yourself and we will all be happy.


    Pick any group, any religion, any belief system and someone will be bashing it.

    Not a very insightful or prophetic warning.

  9. I professed to be a born again Christian when I was a child, all the while (and I couldn't tell you how this made sense) studying Math, Science, the Arts and all the subjects schools teach - and somehow accepting BOTH!?!  Then, one day in my adolescents, I realized the two DID NOT work together.  Which one should I believe?  Which one gave me proof?  Which one didn't judge me unfairly (even though Christians are charged by God not to judge!)?

    Well, it all seems simple now, because in all my life, I have seen man trying to manipulate others for his own outcome, and I now see how the Bible helps a lot of those people become the sheppards, creating a flock of sheep from those people who are unwilling to look beyond their own fears!

    By the way, I usually don't correct people on simple mistakes (me being a terrible speller, and all), but 'I'm sick of being bashed about my beliefs?' is not a question.  You only sound frustrated - much like me when I started to emerge from the chaos of trying to understand and reconcile two, different, possible worlds!  Not a bashing, just an answer flavored with my experiences and opinions.  Like it or hate it, it's your choice - and you definitely have a real free choice in my world!

  10. Heh.  If you think you've got it bad, try being an american atheist.  I very rarely bring the topic up (though I don't back away if someone else does) because it generally causes so much drama that it isn't worth the trouble.

    You realize that 80% of this country is Christian?  You are in the majority, so I'm not sure how much room you have to complain.

  11. It will continue to happen.  Some people are just mean and evil because I’m ok with other disagreeing but some people feel the need to be rude and hateful and it just shows how miserable they are.  I’m a Christian but I don’t walk around calling non-Christians idiots.  That just rude.  I love my life and I want to share the joy I have found.  

    It’s nothing you can do about it but pray for them but I understand the feeling.

  12. It does get discouraging, doesn't it?

    However, we are promised suffering for our beliefs in this age of GRACE. It should be worn as a badge of honor to be made fun of for HIS SAKE. Every time it happens, just tell the Lord that you are so blessed to be able to endure hardship as a good soldier, and that what YOU must go thru is NOTHING compared to what HE went thru for YOU.

    It helps to keep our perspective healthy and to remind ourselves that we should EXPECT to be bashed if we are doing the right thing.

    My bible says "BEWARE when all men speak WELL of you."

    If you aren't getting bashed then you are doing something WRONG. :)

    You don't need to do ANYTHING about it. God has already told us to be ready to be treated as HE was treated. No one has put you up on a Cross yet, or tried to Kill YOU have they?

    See how fortunate you REALLY are? Huuugs dear sis in Christ.

    Come visit us at where we will encourage you in your walk with Him

  13. Jesus said "Love the sinner but hate the sin that they do" it's great that you love God but you have to respect other people's belief.  Some people can be rude but not everyone is.  Next time someone bashes you simply say nothing and change the subject.  Letting it get to you will just cause drama.

  14. I am sorry I do not mean to offend (Nice) Christians, but the fundamentalists (You are going to h**l!!!!!!! etc. etc.) sometimes p**s me off to much and I have no problem being rude to them, and it sometimes comes out the wrong way : /.

  15. I don't visit this category often, as I feel peoples religions and/or beliefs should be rather private and at least not be exposed on Y!A.

  16. I'm not Christian, but I understand how you feel.  I'm atheist, and I get bashed for my beliefs (or lack of them) too.  I just don't understand why we all can't be tolerant of each other's different beliefs without bashing each other.  Thanks for letting me speak my word.

  17. That's a statement, not a question.

    But I have a question.

    In Matthew 5:10-12 Jesus states: 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness, because the kingdom of heaven is theirs. 11 "Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and falsely say every kind of evil against you because of Me. 12 Be glad and rejoice, because your reward is great in heaven. For that is how they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

    I'm always puzzled by Christians who don't seem to know anything about Jesus or what he taught, and they are all over YA! I would think if you are in fact a Christian then you would know what Jesus had to say about persecution, i.e. that you are blessed because you are persecuted for His sake, and be happy about it. But it seems this is about you and not about Jesus. You okay with that?

  18. Some words from Jesus:

    Matthew 5:39  But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

    Matthew 5:44  But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

    Luke 14:26  If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

    John 15:18  If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

    Jesus knew that this type of situation would arise, when He taught His disciples the above.

    For you to do something about it, ALWAYS tell God's truth, and although you will be reviled for it, you will always be right.

    And it also helps if you have the most accurate English Bible

    which is { source }



  19. I'm a Christian too.  I don't mind stupid things being said about Christianity.  We know those remarks aren't true so it's no big deal.  What you do is continue to live a good Christian life.  Continue to be yourself and turn the other cheek.  Honey, we are very fortunate to have freedom of religion.  There are Christians who are really persecuted for their beliefs, worship in hiding, have churches burned and many who have been killed.  Pray for them!  Do something for them!  We're fine.  

  20. Unless you're going to talk about religion and spirituality, get off Religion & Spirituality. Your question was about social behavior.

    Also, take an English class. You'll be doing yourself and everyone else's eyes a big favor.

  21. There's a lot of bashing on both sides of the fence.  People just need to respect other people and realize not everyone believes the same - don't shove one's religion down another's throat - don't give your opinion if not asked for etc, etc, etc.

  22. Keep in mind that no idea is above criticism. There is difference between bashing and expressing your opinion. I don't know if you have the two mixed up. Yeah, some people are going to bash - in fact that is their constitutional right (free speech). But it's your choice to listen.

  23. You shouldn't be upset at the fact that some people bash your religious beliefs since that's their entire purpose for doing so.  The next time an atheist asks for proof that God exists simply ask for proof that atheists exist and expect the same kind of scientific evidence that they want.

  24. If you want to be free of criticism on a PUBLIC forum, you are demented.

    In which case, you need to unplug your computer and hide in a very dark room all by yourself: That way, no one will be able to say anything that messes with your (factless) faiths.


  25. In order for your beliefs to be respected, they have to be respectable. Too many people think that simply having a belief means that others should respect that belief. If your beliefs are arbitrary, contradictory, or incoherent there does not seem to be a reason why your beliefs should be respected.

  26. I know what you mean.  But, not to diminish your suffering, my branch of Christianity probably receives more persecution then yours. My advice is to grin and bear it, and set a good example. Do good. Encourage others of your faith to do the same. People will come to respect it eventually.  

  27.     If you do not want to be ridiculed for your beliefs, stop having ridiculous beliefs, you ninny.  

  28. If you don't like to be bashed, keep them to yourself, and get off this forum. It's called freedom of speech, love. It works both ways. You preach, we bash. It's a simple system really. Newton's Law's can be applied to more than just science.

  29. If you're sick of being bashed, then perhaps you could try some logically consistent beliefs?  Or stop talking about it in public.  In an open debate, that's what you let yourself in for.  On the internet, doubly so.

    Feel free to promote your beliefs, but then you'll have to deal with people who disagree.  On the internet, that is often done in a very rude way.  So learn to tolerate, learn that some people just want to get a rise out of you, and continue the debate: debating is good.  Thinking is good.  And as long as you think about the (reasonable) responses you get, you're learning all the time.

    That's a good thing.

  30. You know they bashed Jesus too.  And Jesus said "you will be hated by all for My name's sake, but he that endures it till the end will be saved. Paul took his rejection as an honor, he bore his cross as  Jesus did. It is just the way the world sees us. But we are in this world, not of it. Be joyful that we are just passing through!!

  31. I'm a Christian and if I had thin skin, this is the last place I would be.

    Jesus said, it wasn't an easy life.. if you think ppl will accept you simply based on Christianity, you are misled.

    Read what Jesus said.. many will persecute you in my name.   There's  the clincher.

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