I recently turned 15.
My life is really boring. My parents are in their 70's , so they have nothing interesting to do or say. I live in the country - in the middle of nowhere basically. I'm completely asexual so I'm not attracted to men or women so I don't plan to be anyone's wife - EVER!
So my life is really boring! Painfully boring. I'm home-schooled so I've barely left the HUGE amount of land surrounding our cottage-like house.
It seems like I have nothing to look forward to in life.
I don't have a relationship to look forward to.
My parent's will be gone soon ... I'm coming to terms with that though.
I feel like my childhood has been wasted.
I can safely say I have no friends
and I can also safely say that there will not be a person that i'll want to spend the rest of my life with.
SO LIFE at the moment seems very pointless and very very very very boring, repetitive and tedious.
P.S. when I say life is pointless, I'm not saying that I'm in anyway suicidal - I'm saying that my life is SO boring that if it goes on any longer like this that MAY turn out to be the only option for me - but i REALLY DONT SEE THAT HAPPENING dont worry