
I'm sick of my mother in law what should I do?

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My husband and I haven't been married for a year yet and my mother in law moved in with us. A month ago and she's getting on my nerves. She's always bothering me because I hardly clean up, something that my husband has never had a problem with before but because she pointed out he's now criticising me because of it. I work at my family's bed and breakfast and I spend a lot of time there helping run things which she also disagrees with. She thinks I should be spending that time with my husband and now he agrees with her. It's like he takes her side on everything and I'm sick of it! What should I do?




  1. I think most would say your man needs to quit being a momma's boy, and turn into a husband.  

  2. Find a way to get her out of your house..sooner rather then later. I totally feel for you!! Most days I'm glad my MIL lives too far away to be around much..

  3. Talk with your husband and be honest about how you feel.  There's a reason the bible says When a man takes a wife he cleaves from his family/parents.  I'm sort of paraphrasing but that's almost exactly it.  "Cleave" is in terms of a cleaver - he breaks from them to make a new family.  That doesn't mean he can't be a part of a relationship with his parents but not at the expense of his wife.  

    Talk with your husband and set a firm date for when his mom needs to get her own place.  She needn't live with you any longer.  If she needs physical care - that's what home health care can help with. Explain to your mother-in-law that this is the time in your relationship that you need to be concentrating on each other and a third person in the home is prohibiting that.  Your husband needs to tell her this.  She will likely blame you but that may be the price you pay to get your marriage back.  Be honest without being hurtful.  She probably doesn't realize she does it.

    Good luck!  

  4. life is compromise - perhaps you can clean up a little more and come to some arrangement with your husband about spending time together. Also, perhaps you can be very assertive, make a point of speaking with her and openly ask your MIL to stop interferring in your relationship, reminding her you and your husband have the rest of your married lives to work out the details and intend to do that enjoyably.

  5. My mother in law tried to do the same thing to me when i first got with my husband. But my husband put her a** in her place and he takes my side...ALWAYS. I wouldn't put up with it if i were you i would tell her a** something. Its YOUR house! (Oh and my mother-in-law doesn' t live with us) Stand up for yourself..and if your husband doesn't take your side..THEN KICK BOTH OF THEIR A**ES OUT!

  6. hahaha... join the club! it dosent get any better.

  7. look it is your house and she must live under your rules.  (as she would expect you to do if you moved in with her) Some people are never happy and think they can tell others what to do, I suppose if you were not working she would complain about that.  So do not change for her.  If your husband picks her over you then send the mama's boy packing.

  8. i have the same problem my mother-in-law she live down the street from us. i have a 2 year old son she take over with him i have no say so, over him. she comes over anytime she wants. my husband take her side all the time. i think it is a mother-in-law thing. i'm sorry i don't think it will get better for you it has not gotton better for me. i hope everything works out for you.

  9. kick her out. tell him its causing problems and she has to go

  10. Why is your mother in law living with you?  If she has to live with you for whatever reason, you and your husband need to have a nice long talk about ground rules and how she is acting... before it gets completely out of control.

  11. you should of never let her move in with you. How about paying her rent for a small apartment? Or tell her how her interference is causing problems in your marriage.Let your husband know how you feel. Communication is the key to a long lasting relationship. Your husband should be more supportive though. Sounds like hes a mommas boy. Sometimes its hard to break them of that. GOOD LUCK!!!

  12. shoot her :) LOL jk

    Just tell her to back off she obviosuly isnt married cause if she was or is there must be a reason why she lives with you .. so i will rubb that in her face!  She has no right to be in between your husband and your relations I would lose it and prolly shoot her but your not me hahahaha .. Good luck just try  to tell her to back off ! say i appriciate your suggestion or whatever but this is YOUR life and back off or even better yet pack your stuff and go to your moms :D LOL .. sorry wasnt much help but ! I hear ya mother in law c**p can suck! ....

    Bless ya  

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