
I'm sick of my thighs. They're really thick. How can I get rid of them?

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I just turned 13 and I'm 5'5 (can definitely grow another 2 or 3 inches)

My waist is 27 inches around and I weigh around 125 pounds but they're mostly muscle since I play a ton of sports.

Thing is I have large hips and thick thighs because all of my fat's stored in my thighs for some reason. And that makes me have a big butt and I look really bad in jeans and shorts. most of the time I wear big or long shirts so I would look skinnier.

and i think the reason I'm not all that skinny is because I eat my school's lunch food everyday.

so how can I get REALLY skinny legs and possibly get a smaller butt?

those are the only things I need to work on. i have a flat stomach and great arms.

any advice would be greatly appreciated!!




  1. Strong thighs can be a blessing!  Look at Shawn Johnson in the Olympics--she definitely had thick, muscular legs and they helped her win gold.

  2. This may be genetic. Does it seem to run in your family or are you the only one who has it?  Not to worry as you continue to grow, the proportions will return to normal.  Just be sure not to overeat, exercise regularly and  some men think muscular butts are s**y.  Much better than flat butts.

  3. Starve yourself, and hope for the best.

  4. stop eating mcdonalds

  5. bring a lunch. do leg excercises. u shouldnt be too worried about it. u sound like u should be in good shape, so just try having a positive attitude :)

  6. you could cut them off and get prosthetic legs

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