
I'm sick of putting up with her. What to do?

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My best friend and I have been great friends for 4, going on 5 years. At the begining it was great. We had a great laugh together, and we could talk about anything. She is 1 and a half years older than me, so we're in different grades (im a junior, she's a senior) we only live around the corner from each other though, so we see each other very regular. Or at least we did. Now we hardly see each other. Anyway, around 1 year ago she really began to change. She is OBSESSED with apperances and has become SO vain. I recently got back from holiday from a different country, the first thing she asked was "so, what do you think of the clothes over there?" I was shocked. She didn't ask how my holiday was, only the clothes. I'm losing patience with her, and I'm sick of having to try so hard everytime I see her. I can't talk to her. She talks AT me, not with me. She's obsessed with class and being posh. We're not. What can I do? Should I give her a chance to change, or just let her go?




  1. I think you already know the answer to this question. Maybe it's time to let her go if you and her just can't relate with one another like you used to.

  2. Confront her nicely in a calm environment.

  3. focus on the good, not bad, and if this doesnt work out, talk to her

    Good Luck♥

    Please Answer:

  4. You don't need to like your friends!

  5. just let go of her shes just uzin u

  6. Had a friend just like this...well shes still a freind but at a distance. She couldnt wait to tell me about her life but when it came to mine she suddenly changed the subject. She was a 1upper type of attitude about when i would say o hey my mom got me some makeup you wana see (or something simple like that) she would be like O Ive seen it or i have it..or she would ask my breast size and id tell her (mine were slightly bigger than hers) and she would say o well thats only cuz your heavier than me...LIKE WTF?? anyways I just distanced myself from her..It was all a front with her because she was jealous of the fact that my parents let me do things and hers were very strict.

    So you can either distance yourself to avaiod any time consuming talks or you can sit her down and tell her how she's changed and that you want your old friend back..if she dosent realize how rude and self absorbed shes been then let her go...but at least you told her how you felt to her face

  7. Things like this can be hard. You just have to try to pick out the best in each other, and focus on that. And maybe if she's talking about clothes a little too much at a time, just simply change the subject.

  8. tell her how you feel,if she doesn't git it then just don't be the best of friends with her but don't ignore her,just don't hang out with her all the time make new and better friends that care more about whats on the inside

  9. If she really is bothering  you, you obviously need to let her know, so your frienship doesn't turn into a friendshit. Maybe if she cared long enough and ENOUGH, and she was a REAL friend than she would put forth the effort to change a little part of herself for you.

  10. before she can start talking, you start talking. tell her your problems and don't let her add in more than a few words at first. do this a few times and maybe she'll sink back into friendship. also, try to see her once every day, or even more!!!!!

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