
I'm sick of the U.S. I've heard it's relatively easy to immigrate to Ireland. How is it easier. No jokes.?

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My mother was a Kelley as was her father. I think his father immigrated here.




  1. No, its not that easy as you say.  

  2. Immigration both in and out of the United States have skyrocketed this decade. The first time Canada ever had to exercise an immigration cap on people from the U.S. was the 6 months after the 2004 election. It's not a statement necessarily that people are really sick of the US; it's more of a statement of people not thinking things through.

    The immigrant visa system is intentionally designed to weed out people who aren't serious about immigrating. Ireland is currently overrun with people who have emigrated from Eastern Europe; more so even than Mexicans to the Western states, in fact.

    So here's the good news: the immigration system is filtering out all the people who are just trying to go there because they heard it wouldn't take much effort to move. That means it's not worth the effort for you to even bother trying until you REALLY want to move there.

    Learn their culture, go to Irish festivals where you live, read about their history, meet people who have lived there. Read about the IRA and their relationship with the UK. If you're not OBSESSED with the idea of living there after a year or so, count your blessings that you didn't throw yourself into the middle of Dublin on a random impulse, stranding yourself in a land you can't stand with no way to get back to the States.

    If after all that you can't stop thinking about Ireland, the concept of whether life is "easier" or "better" will no longer matter to you. You'll stop at nothing to get there, and you'll love every minute once you succeed.

    Finally, if you got bored just reading through my answer– trust me, by tomorrow morning the idea of emigrating will already be out of your mind.

  3. do you need help packing....and you can immigrate to mexico relatively easy...just walk across the border...ask any illegal they can tell you how, where and when the best time to cross is...and don't let the border hit ya where the good Lord split

  4. Bye bye

  5. Sure, the Irish need to replace the people that emigrate and set up Irish pubs all over the world :-)

  6. It's actually very difficult for an American to immigrate to Ireland. I lived there a few years ago and had to return. Unless you have a high paying degree it's nearly impossible.

  7. The best way to find out is to Contact the Irish Embassy in New York for full details. If you do come, then you will be welcome.

  8. It's not "easy."  No place worth living is "easy" to immigrate to.  There are billions of people who are willing to do almost anything for a better life.  If Ireland was "easy" the population would be a billion by now.

  9. You need to be 1st generation to have citizenship that is two parents born there. You could move there with a working visa and establish yourself and work and pay taxes then after a few years you could apply for citizenship. As long as you work and pay taxes like the U.S. you can extend your visa.

    If you think it's cheap to live there your nuts it's 5x more expensive. Don't worry Obama won't get in! LOL

  10. If you have an Irish parent or grandparent it's fairly easy. If not... it's not. lol :-)

  11. It's only easy if you come for another EU country or are recruited by an Irish employer (including say a US company with a place there).

    If you have an Irish born  grandparent ) you have a chance of citizenship. You could also check your eligibility  of EU citizenship as it varies from country-to-country.

    Ireland  has been systematically targeted over the past decade by "asylum seekers" from all over the world - Nigeria in particular.  There is also a policy of allowing Chinese students in to work and study.

    Ironically Westerners often are finding it most difficult to find residence in other western countries since employers don't see them as cheap labor. .yet they can't get enough non-westerners. Ber in mind while a blind eye is turned in the US to say illegal Mexicans- Europeans are excluded and deported regularly

  12. You might find some of the information on this site interesting:

  13. Jeez, people, cut the guy some slack. What's it to you if he fancies a change in scenery? Are you really so insecure in your nationality that the mere thought of someone not being madly in love with theirs deeply offends you?

    Given that America consists almost entirely of people descended from folk who chose to move away from their own country, I'd have thought it'd be second-nature...

  14. everybody deserves a better life.

  15. No joke....leave.  We are sick of people that dont appreciate how good they have it here.

  16. well if ur from the us then it wont be to hard to come here but u will need a visa few americans have experienced problems but not many so come on over to us here in dublin and have some fun as long as u promise not to be loud and obnoctious we wont mind hahahaa   bloody  foreigners flooding our country jesus as if us irish ever botherd  to immigrate anywhere like the states the cheek of you hhahahahahahahahaha

  17. Every intelligent person is sick of the US. Get out while you can

  18. are you looking for a better life?  cause mexico is a lot closer

  19. It's probably pretty easy....BYE!!!!

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