
I'm sick of tipping. Why did it become mandatory?

by  |  earlier

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Tipping in the early years come from good gestures of customers IF they have some change or if they want to give a little extra to the waiter/waitress. But it's not required and employees are not expected to feel bad about it.Now it has become a RIGHT of waiter/waitress to receive those little extra and it even has to be a certain percentage!! For me, that's crazy! Now, we fear that if we don't give at least 10% there might be something "extra" in the food when we eat there next time.Restaurant foods are expensive.Why can't they give their employees the right wages instead of passing it on to the customers?




  1. It's not only do it if you feel your waiter or waitress has done a good job. If they don't meet your standards then don't tip them. Then maybe they'll learn their lesson.

  2. Have you ever been a server??

    No...then go be one for a week and then you will

    know why~

  3. being as nice as i can you are f*cked up.if you worked in service industry you would have never asked this question.i read above that some American make 2.50 a hour ,you are joking me!you think a single mom can live on that!did you know that most servers have to tip out to the kitchen 2%,bar 1 to 2%,bussers 1%,hostesses1%,floor leaders 1%,add that up,it's not uncoman to tip out 5% of your total.imagine selling $1000 and having to tip out $50,we have a saying"if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out"!most normal people like to tip and use it as a way 'to insure prompt service'[T.I.P.S.]why should everybody get the same service,its not a jail canada we get a least 10 bucks an hour and still get tiped,2f*ckin dollars an hour i amsurprised ANYONE brings your food.i could go on and on

  4. with the way that tipping has become, its best to look at it the same as when the automobile was first invented.... At first really only rich people had them, then timed passed and now everyone seems to have a car.

    Seems the same with tipping, where at first really only rich people did it if the server was good, and now it has gotten passed down to where mostly everyone does it now. It is not mandatory, but so many people do it now that it just seems like the right thing to do.

    With waiters and waitresses. tipping is really half of their income. most servers only recieve minimum wage and depend on people tipping them to get more income... I guess that is why they may put a little extra in your food, because your the one paying them... and with the less that you pay them, the lower the service is gonna seem to be.

    Also at most resteraunts, the tip that you leave is divided between the waiters and the bussers... so the tip is not only for the person that brings the food to you, but the person that has to clean up after you...

    The money that you pay when you go to a resteraunt is for the food, beverage, and environment your in their.  Only a small part of that will go towards the person that serves your food, that is why they expect a tip for the services that they did to keep you satisfied while you were dining in.

    The reason you dont have to tip fast food people is because they are behind the counter all the time. You pay for your food when you get it, anything else extra that you need (refills, condemints, etc) are all available, but you have to get them yourself at the stands they have, instead of someone catering to it.

  5. As an ex-waitress I completely agree with you.

    I think that if a certain % tip is mandatory - and it isn't based on the actual quality of service (which is what seems to be the case these days) - then it should be added to the cost of the bill - or incorporated into the cost of the dishes to enable the restaurants to pay a decent wage.

    IMO, a tip should be an extra thank you for service rendered - not a way to pay a salary.  As someone who has travelled to various countries, I have not noticed any difference in the level of service dependant on whether service is on discretion, added to the bill, or not required at all.  (In fact the consistently worst service has been in NYC ;)

    As to the shockingly low minimum wage - that is something that should be taken up with the government - not with the people who pay the taxes.

  6. When I can't make my car payment next month I'll tell the bank, "Sorry guys, people are just tired of tipping..."  What you don't seem to realize sir, if restaurants paid their servers a decent wage your $10.00 meal would cost you about $18.00.  Do the math, you are coming out better by tipping...

  7. I only tip if the service was good. I have gone to places and not tipped.

  8. You've never worked for tips, have you?

    You ask why the servers are not paid proper wages instead of the minimum of $2.13 an hour that most servers make minus tips.  And you're already complaining that restaurant food is expensive.  If you think it's expensive now, what if your idea of a "fair" wage for servers was implemented?  I guarantee you, your tab will increase sharply because the restaurant will need to raise prices to pay those servers.  What, you think all businesses have bottomless pits of cash?

    Hey, nobody is forcing you to eat at a full-service sit-down restaurant.  If it's so expensive for you, either get take-out, go to McDonald's, or cook for yourself at home.

    And you are right; if you are a tightwad when it comes to tipping, you will be recognized as such if you are a regular at a restaurant.

    It's in no way mandatory, but put yourself in their shoes; if you saw a regular guest come in who does not tip very well, would you be anxious to wait on him?

  9. It became mandatory when employers started to pay $2.35 an hour. In Europe the tip is in your bill. If you ever work for tips your opinion will change. In other parts of the world if you don't tip they don't get anything.

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