
I'm so CONFUSED!!! Help me?

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I've been home schooled for about three years, since I was in sixth grade. Now I'm going to be a freshman in high school and I have no idea how things work. Am I supposed to bring my backpack in the class with me? Are the desks assigned? What happens if I'm late to class? What if I can't FIND my class? Any basic tips for heading into high school?




  1. first of all I think you need to breathe! all freshmen have these jitters! yes even those who have never been home schooled before. you should bring your backpack to school and maybe even to class if you do not have an assigned locker. desk are not assign (i don't think) people generally stick to the seats they sit in, being late to class is never a good thing,however I don't think it will be a big thing on the first day. I also don't think they will have a cow if you can not find your classes, it takes a couple of visits. Here is my advice...Don't do what the majority is doing(drugs, party, and etc..) don't be afraid to be yourself, and keep your mind on school! lol enjoy high school! it can be a blast!

  2. At my school, during the first week the teachers don't care if you're a few minutes late, especially if you're a freshman. They give you plenty of time to get acquainted with the building and your route between classes before punishing you for being tardy. Most high schools' designs follow a numerical order that makes sense and is easy enough to pick up.

    You will most likely have a locker where you will store your backpack and any books you need for classes. You might need to plan a route between your classes and check when you can stop at your locker to pick up/drop off books.

    Most of the time the desks are assigned, but sometimes the first few days teachers will let you sit anywhere (they usually do this to figure out what students will talk too much or cause trouble if they're next to each other. So if there's somebody you want to sit near, make sure you behave at least until they make the seating chart ;) )  

  3. lots of good advice here from people who should know.  each school is somewhat different  you will soon become familiar with your new school.  it is new to all the freshmen. Most seem to think you really have nothing to worry about and I agree with them.  If you school lets you bring your back pack then try to get a small to medium size.  If you plan to leave it in your locker then medium or larger.  Relax you will have a great are a really happy caring person you will have some great times with your new friends and your teachers will love you...for one thing your command of English is great and that is a plus in every course!!

    A month from now you will wonder what you ever were worried about.

    Have a great time!

  4. 1) you bring ur bookbag to all your classes

    2)desks are usually assigned depending on that teacher

    3) since ur new u wont get in trouble for the first week probably but after that you might get a detention,or they might just be a little mad

    4) if you cant find your class you go 2 the office, trust me freshman get lost all the time and dont get in trouble, you just find a teacher or someone working at the office and ask for help,they will write you a note for class and you will be fine =]

    i was really nervous my freshman year also but i eventually had all my class rooms memorized and everything was really easy =]

    you will have fun trust me, if you want to talk about it more email me at

    im def a good person to talk to about getting lost and all that because thats what i do best =/ lol, i have a funny story that might help you feel better =]

    ok so one day i was having a really hard time in science so my teacher told me to come to her class later and she would help me, so after lunch i went to her classroom, i waited for 5min but she never came! so i went down to the office and told them i needed a pass for the class i was supposed to be in so i wouldnt get in trouble, she would not give me one =[, so i searched the whole school for my science teacher because i knew she would write me one since she told me to come to her class in the first place, i finally remembered she was outside because it was sunny out so she decided to teach outside that day, so i headed outside to find her when... a policemen stopped me!! he asked me what i was doing, i told him i was supposed to get help from my teacher, i pointed her out so he finally let me go, then i got there and my teacher helped me with my work, i got done early so i asked her for a pass for the class i was supposed to be in, apparently she thought i had lunch =[, at first she got kinda mad and said she wouldnt write me a pass but i told her how i thought i was supposed to come then and i was just confused, so she wrote me a pass, i went to my next class and told him what happened and he smiled and said no problem!!

    so everything worked out, so basically what im trying to say is since your a freshman the teachers realize its all new to you and wont be 2 harsh so you have nothing to worry about, if i made it through all that you will be fine 2!!!

    have fun =]

  5. First, relax.  Yes, you can bring a bag with you.  Also bring some paper and a pen or pencil for the first day so you can write stuff down and make a list of the supplies you will need.  Desks are assigned sometimes in classrooms; your teacher will tell you during class.  If you are late or get lost at the beginning of school, you generally won't get in trouble...there will be people to help.

    Just be yourself, stay out of trouble, focus on your studies, and consider joining a club or sports team after school to help you make some new friends at your school.

    Good luck!  =]

  6. always have your backpack with you as people can easily be tempted to steal. as for the assigned desks, it depends on the teacher. if you're late to class the first time, you just get a warning, but if it continues you might get detention, phone call home, saturday school etc. if you can't find your classes ask around or refer to the map that your school should have given you. good luck and don't worry. school will be fun! you'll meet friends.  

  7. yes, yes. You get detention if you are late to class. Go to the office and get help finding your classes.

  8. Yes, you carry your backpack with you everywhere, for most classes desks are assigned but it really depends on the teacher, and if you can't find your class just ask anyone around you, most people are nice so don't be shy. The only thing you will need the first day of school is a binder, paper and pencils, each teacher will let you know what you will need to bring everyday. You will get all the rest of the info you need the first day of school. Hope this helps.

  9. Oh, sweetie, you will be just fine. Going to highschool can be a transition, but you can do it! Yes, you take your backpack to school with you, and you take it into the classroom with you. Though, of course, some children leave their backpacks in their school lockers and only take the necessary books for the particular class to the classroom.

    As far as the assigned desks, that is up to the teacher. You will find out once you get to the classroom where you should sit. some teachers will allow you to sit where you want as long as their aren't any classroom disturbances. Other teachers want to exhibit full control and assign you a seat.

    Where we are from, if you are late to a class you have to attend a session called, sweep. This is where you sit in a classroom, sort of like a detention hall, and you wait until your next scheduled class to leave.

    Other places just mark you tardy and you serve a detention after you have been tardy so many times.

    If you can't find your class you can ask another student or even go to the office and ask someone there. The school will give you a campus map.

    Yes, take your purse with you to class when it is that time of the month. Or you can just put some sanitaries in your backpack.

    I hope this helps!


  10. Good for you! I hope you have a lot of fun!

    Get to school EARLY. Walk around...... find your classrooms..... make yourself comfortable while the halls are empty.

    Generally teachers don't care if you have your backpack, but it really just depends on the school and the instructor.

    Also, desks usually are not assigned. Go into class, and pick a seat. If they are assigned, the teacher will let everyone know once class begins.

    Teachers tend to be pretty lenient in terms of tardiness. For about the first week, it won't be a big deal. After the first week or two, teachers will make drop points from your grade a lot of times for being late.

    If you really really need help and are completely lost, just ask a teacher. They are more than happy to help. Relax, and have fun! Enjoy high school!

  11. your school should have open house and all you have to do is ask questions. dont be scared to ask anything thats why they have open house is for any questions or concerns or just call the school and they can guide you through some things. hope this helps and while in school dont let too many things distract you always pay attention and keep an open mind and youll do just fine. i used to wish that i could have grades like so and so but one day i realized wishes dont come true in this world so i buckled up and tried my best and now im a straight A student. never give up and never ever care what people think of you as long as you be ur self people will respect you for that but you will have some jerks who are jelous of you and put you down but dont listen to them. hope you have a great highschool experience like im having these final years. best of luck.

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