
I'm so bord?

by  |  earlier

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i need something to is a weekly rutine that i'v been doing since i was ...well acually since i started school. of what i do.

monday threw friday. go to school come home do homework eat watch t.v. go on computer then to bed.then repeat.

sunday and saturday. get up early to do something i don't want to do with my mama and close relatives after a whole 5 days of getting up early.SUNDAY get up early go to church then go back home all day.

me and my friends are getting tired of the same stuff. spring break is comeing up please give us some ideas.




  1. gosh you luckyy. I have TOO MUCH things on my mind to even have free time and hang out with my friends. Just enjoy your free time please, some people don't get it at all.. -.-

  2. Well, you need to work on your grammar and spelling.

  3. =] hmmm,

    heres sumthing to do...

    IM me :]

    idk im bored :/

  4. Well, I'm tard myself.  You could try to cook up somethin'.  I just loves me some homeade pi when I is boared.

  5. Sounds like you need to join a sports team.  If you're not into that then join some type of club.  Volunteer at your local hospital, animal shelter, sr. home or museum.

    If you don't have transportation, have your parents take you to a craft store and sign up for classes or just find a craft that interests you and start making hand made gifts for Christmas.  That will take a while.

  6. Why don't you spend your free time working on your spelling and grammar?

  7. READ.

    I'm sure you are a very smart person. However, your spelling IS atrocious, and that is not because of a computer glitch. Really, you should work on it.

  8. that is a good would be something i would ask.and i would spell wrong,too.but  i see a lot of people spell wrong,and it doesn't make a difference!who gives a c**p,right?im going to throw a sleepover on spring break,for,like,all of my friends.ur invited,but im not passing out invataions till later.

  9. Loosen Up Girl

    Mix Ur Schedule!

    Or Trow Away Ur Basic Rutine

    And Just Sleep Wake Wtv Time U Want

    And Do Wtv U FEEL Like Doing

    Not Something U HAVE To Do

  10. its ok im like this too

    i dont really do anything

    but this week for me

    is march break so yeahh

    i have been staying home this week


  11. Given your spelling need more schooling.

    Free time = Study time

  12. Bored people are usually boring people.  Shake you life up!  Begin Tae Kwon Do, Judo, something.  Do something physical that energizes your brain chemistry, and meet some new people.  You sound like a prison inmate.  There is a huge exciting world out there.  Get into it.  I am an old man, and I rarely ever get bored.  Nobody around me stays bored.  Now get up and move it!  Stop dragging around like you are doing time.  Next step from where you are is, "Is life worth living?"  Move it!

  13. go out side and find something kool then practice spelling

  14. study your spelling !!!!!

  15. find an afternoon activity to do one arvo a week.

    like dancing, or art, of volunteer at an animal shelter or something.

    it will break your routine and itll be fun. try something different every semeseter, and by the time youll finish school you will have all these skills, or things that are going to look great on a resume when you want to look for jobs. things like volunteer work are really highly regarded by employers. and itll make you feel great.

    keep up your family ties, because theyre important, and if church is important to you and your family, keep that.

    the older you get the more opportunities you will have to do more exciting stuff.

    try organising a sleep over with your girlfriends once a week, and go to a different persons house every week.

    this could workduring vacations too.

    me and my girlfriends did a 'roving sleepover' for 2 weeks, with all our friends. 13 girls, and one night at every persons house. we organised fun outings, shopping, movies, nightclubbing in the city, dinners out, themed movie nights and dressing up. it was so much fun. the days we were too tired we chilled at the beach or hung around by my pool. we have so many crazy pictures and memories and now its a tradition: every summer break, even now that we're in uni.

  16. go out.!


    mall- SHOPPING

    try readingg/writing its way more fun

    than you would think trust me!

    cook/bake something

    have a party!! me and my friends have parties every weekend with themes too-- try 80s themed pumps leggings and bubble dresses!! thats always fun =)

    go somewhere with a relative..- if u live close take a quick trip to NYC - thats always fun - or take a winter walk on the beach

    i know you'll think of something!! =)

  17. Here's an idea...


    You posted in the homeschooling category, so you must be thinking about it?  It's a GREAT way to NOT be bored.  With HS'ing you can do all sorts of things that public schooled students don't get to do - and you can do them from 8-4 on weekdays!

  18. Go to a movie....a shopping mall etc.  You need to break the routine up a bit.  With spring break coming up do try something different or go somewhere new.

  19. I'm like the same thing I keep doing the same things every weekend!!!! Here is my day: Get up eat breakfast watch TV play video games go on Yahoo! Pool and go to Setarhes Palace and have some fun then i keep repeating !!!

       So, I have a plan for you

       Friday Movie Night   play on computer go to sleep!!! ZZZZZ

        Saterday  Sleep in late get up eat play on computer TV Talk to friends sleep

       Sunday church relax an hour play on computer take nape go to sleep!!

      Is it ok??? This is what my family does now ! ok try this see how it works buh bye!!!
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