
I'm so bored any suggestions?

by  |  earlier

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I am really bored i already skate board and ride my bike i am tired of video games any one know anything good to do i am 14 and a guy.




  1. Read a good book

  2. listen to music, read, email friends, stuff like that

    do what you normally do. think back on what you did in the past when you were bored, and if it worked or not. good l**k

  3. go paintballing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooooooooooooooo

  4. vacum the cieling

  5. Try fishing. YOu can strive to be a Master Baiter.

  6. turn up the radio and dance

  7. get on the computer? go out with your girl. if you have one. read a book. go hang with your friends.

  8. if you are bored go to this site and get stuff for free trust me it works if you don't believe me click on the forums section or the testimonial section you can get anything from game consoles to gamer tag points follow the instructions and just register here its worth a shot if you are bored give a try  here is the link

  9. Drawing or Painting ;)))

  10. go out doors hunt fish swim do somthing than sit indoors

  11. go to the library and find some good books to read, or rent some movies.  


    Listen to music on the internet.

    Play games on

  13. read??

    umm maybe play an insturment they are always fun

  14. I would say skydiving is always fun. Not sure how old you have to be though.... If not, bungee jumping? Riding elephants? Surfing? Dancing? Riding a bike? Invite a friend over? Knit?

    Hope this helps.


  15. umm answer a bunch of these qts..go try to cook something...put on the radio..invite a freind over...go pool the a hot chick, idk haha

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