
I'm so confused, what do you guys think???

by  |  earlier

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I am going crazy, my lmp says I'm 30 weeks, but I had an ultrasound 12 weeks ago and they said the baby was small, so they changed my due date putting me at 27 weeks, well I'm measuring 31cm.I had already been feeling movement for 3 weeks when I had my ultrasound ( I was supposed to be 18 weeks) and my doctor kept telling me that I was measuring really big, then after the ultrasound she old me I was measuring small..I just don't get it, how can you go backwards in I'm just so confused!!!! Has anyone had something like this happen??? Would I be crazy to ask for a second opinion??

We are having another ultrasound tomorrow, hopefully we can find out whats going on.




  1. I was told I was my first due date was March 11 with my daughter then they changed it to April 4th cuz during my ultra sound she was SMALL! then on March 29th they said she DEFINITELY wasn't early she was late there was no trace of that white film a baby that is born on or before their due date has... but who knows.. i hope it works out well

  2. Every baby grows different just like any person grows diffrent, the doctor will base your pregnancy due date based on the size of the baby on your first ultrasound because at that early of a stage most babys grow very similar amounts. babys will then start putting on anywhere from .5-1lb a week starting from week 20. you should have felt your first kick or "quickening" at about 20 weeks pregnant. Due dates are only an estimate anyways and only a mear 8% of women actualy go into labour and give birth on that given day.

    I had the same frustrations when durring this pregnancy and am now 36 weeks along....or 35 but maybe 38 lol. It will happen when the babys ready :)

  3. The later in pregnancy an ultrasound is done, the less accurate it is.  If you had an earlier ultrasound, go with that one.  Otherwise, the LMP may be the most accurate date.  

  4. see what happens at the next one and in the mean time look for another doctor and get a second opinion thats not right even tho due dates are never accurate. i would have gotton a second opnion after the 1st time they started changeing there minds, good luck. try going off of ur last missed period and seeing what that tells u thats what i did and thats what my due date is off of and doc says same thing??

  5. When my 2nd came around, I was given 3 different due dates. Don't fret and just remember that the baby will come when he/she is ready regardless of the size!  

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