
I'm so d**n happy, how do I sleep, haha?

by  |  earlier

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Ok me and this girl went out on a date tonight and we went to dinner and talked. Then we went to the beach to watch the sunset, and she had her head buried in my chest and I rubbed her back and stroked her hair. Then we were face to face and then we kissed on the lips. Then we walked around a little bit more, then I took her home and she asked me if I wanted to stay in touch with her over email, and I said IDK. Then she wrote down her email address, and I smiled and said i'll think about it. Then I gave her a hug and kissed her on the cheek.




  1. Shame on you for acting like that at the end of your date.

  2. Put every thing that hapened in a book and you will feel free and then you will sleep.

  3. If you are so happy, why did you send her mixed signals?  Guys are so aggravating!  She is probably going to be up all night thinking she shouldn't have given you her email address.  You should send her an email right now so that she knows you really do care about her!

  4. Hey, if I was that girl I would not go out with for the second time. I hope she sees through the player like you.

  5. Email!? That is SO lame!

    You sound like a player - do you like her or not!?

    You had better get in contact with her - otherwise you're just rude!!  

  6. What goes around comes around.

    If you feel happy that you played it cool while she was all hot for just wait.

    h**l hath no fury, like a woman scorned.

    She'll get you back and act doubly coolly next time she sees you.  You better treat her nice and actually give her the attention and affirmation she deserves.

  7. What are you so happy about? Are you trying to say you're in love?  If so, then why were you acting so coy about the emailing? Were you playing hard to get by teasing her because some girl did that to you? I don't get it. You should email her if you are interested in case she thinks you don't care. She might no know you were just playing a game.

  8. email...........????????/


  9. Get a life!

  10. Why are you so happy when you ended the date like that?    

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