
I'm so depressed, I hurt myself, I keep crying! Please help?

by  |  earlier

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I'm always so angry now. I'm usually a really happy, really loud fun person but recently everythings been so stressful! We moved a few years ago and everythings been downhill form there. I'm really lonely! I've been in a few relationships before but I can never find a good guy to stay with me. They all turn out the same. Also, my parents are ALWAYS mad about something. Either eachother, or us. My dads dad died recently so he's always stressed about that. I think they might get a divorce. But I know I'd have to live with my mum, but I'm closer to my dad. Everythings just going so wrogn. Whenever I get stressed I just start scratching my skin until it all comes off and bleeds. Then it stings and takes my mind off all the ****! I don't know what to do. WHenever I cry my eyes swell up and I look like a fish for days! But I can't help it. All my music just makes me burst into tears! Please help.




  1. Maybe mom can take you to a therapist and you can vent all that stuff to someone who can try to help. You sound like you have high anxiety and everything you have listed would cause anyone to be like that. Maybe your doctor could give you some meds, even if it is temporary to cut the edge off of it, then after a while maybe you can go off, or you may find that it helps tremendously and you do great and decide that you needed it all along and feel better than you ever have in a long time. But get some help. Don't scratch anymore, you could cause an infection, do consider exercise, you do need to cry-don't be afraid to go to your room and shout and scream in your pillow, hit your mattress, get all that c**p out of your system. Good luck Kid.

  2. Please do me a huge favor, and go talk with a person you trust. Go to your doctor, or minister, or anyone you can feel safe and confident with, and tell them what it is you just told us. You cannot keep this bottled up inside of you, because it is tearing you up, and causing you to do harmful things to yourself to relieve the stress. I know how it feels to be so stressed that pain actually feels good to you, but you will not gain anything except more pain and stress by holding everything in, or tearing yourself until you bleed. Please go talk to someone you trust. They may even be able to help you get in touch with organizations that may help your family. Please don't hurt yourself anymore. It will only lead to more and more hurt, there will be no gain from it. Take care of yourself and good luck. You will be in my prayers.

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