
I'm so depressed, is there no way out! ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm so depressed, I went to my doctor and referred me on to a pychologist, I keep making appointments but find it hard to keep them. I always forget and I have to wait for a month for another one, its so hard. I'm spiralling further down everyday and just want this messed up life of mine to end. I hate it. I hate living, I hate everything about it. Why can't I just feel normal again. Is there any websites that can help me? I live in Australia and it just feels like there's no help out there for people like me. I work full-time, I catch up with friends and family, I exercise, I eat moderately. So on the outside i seem completely normal, but I'm not, I'm just sooooooo sad all the time....




  1. have u ever heard of the sad syndrome it is from lack of sunlight. we get it here in B.C. Canada and we that are prone to this depression have to go under lights called sad lamps to produce the endorphins that we need in the brain to stop the depression. Also there is music therapy with fine tuned musical instruments that the individual prefers ie. flute or harps to relax and learn to turn around the negative  thoughts to positive ones. there are many web sites on self healing the holistic way to over come these feelings. BUT sometimes therapy is necessary and so are drugs such as effexor which is an inhibitor for the brain to heal itself.  

  2. Keep looking around until you can find someone who will see you at least once a week. When I just couldn't take it anymore and regular therapy wasn't doing anything for me, I figured out it was because it was moving way too slowly. I got a psychologist to see me twice a week, and in four weeks I was feeling a lot better.

  3. Have you ever been in LOVE?


    Love can change everything you know;)

  4. hi i know what it feels like to be depressed and to have suicidal tendencies and trust me suicide aint the answer cuz ive been there. my best advice would be to c a psysiatrist as they can help diagnose any possible problems and direct u 2wards the best treatment 4 u and cing a psycologist does help. another thing would be to organise to have some time just for u 2 relax such as reading before going 2 bed or watching tv. try to get plenty of sleep and dont shut ur friends out cuz thats the worst thing u can do cuz ur friends and family will alwayz b there 2 help u.

    try writing ur feelings down in a diary to help pinpoint any trends and situations that affect ur moods. this can help u 2 find out trigers 4 ur depression and that way u can work on minimising ur exposure to those situations.

    other things u can try r aromatherapy (no its not just 4 girls and it really does work) or watching a funny show or movie (spicks and specks is really good and mayb also try monty python movies theyre alwayz good).

    whatever u do dont give in cuz evry1 is special in their own way.

    sites and numbers that are useful:

         - (has everything so i strongly recommend visiting this site)


         - (useful for younger ppl ie teens)

         - (help find support servises in ur local area)

         - lifeline 131 114

         - suicide help/salvo care line 1300 363 622

    google/ search: mental health, depression

    check out urlocal library as they will sometimes have leaflets and the like with more info

    as for a psyciatrist go up to ur local hospital/health center/local health service and find out if u can get an appointment.

    i hope this helps in some way. just remember dont leave it to long and know that there is help available and ur not alone.

  5. People will say that there's a way out, but they've never been depressed and don't know what it's like. The most obvious "cures" are only things that will make other people feel better about being with you, but not necessarily make you feel better. I know since I've been depressed for quite a while. You can try the medications, the therapists, excersize, yoga, and all that stuff, but it doesn't always work for everyone. The only way out is to find some way to resolve it with yourself, and that will be different for everyone. Sometimes it never really goes away, it just gets masked and comes back later. If you want to email me and talk to me about it you can, sometimes that helps, actually talking to people that know what it's like and won't make judgements about your situation.

  6. Cognitive behavioural therapy is your best answer.  You may need to do that either on your own or with your therapist.   I did it on my own.  I saw a therapist for years, and CBT was much more effective.  You may also need to go on an antidepressant for a while.   Don't be embarassed or ashamed if you have to go on an antidepressant.  Depression is a medical condition that needs to be treated.   Once you have done sufficient cognitive behaviour therapy, you will be able to come off of your medication.  In a nutshell, CBT is changing the way you think.  Write down your thoughts, then see them more realistically.  You will slowly start feeling better, and eventually get out of your funk.  Try to enjoy the moment that you are in.  If you can't enjoy it, at least accept it, don't fight it.  Don't dwell on the past because it no longer exists, and don't worry about the future, because it's never what you expect.    Best of luck to you.  Many, many people suffer from depression, and many people overcome it.  You will too.  

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