
I'm so depressed and don't know what to do can u help me?

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im only 16 years old and im ready to give up already. i haveno one to talk to because my moms always yelling at me, my dad will ignore me, and everyone else always have attitudes for no reason. and it seems like i always try to help them when they need help, but i dont get it in return. i had a boyfriend (my sons father) but we cant get along because he says i act so immature. maybe because i have low self esteem about myself and im a very jealouse person so i always accuse him of doing something he's not. he was the only person i had to talk to, now he doesnt want to have anything to do with me. i mean i try i try so hard but something always go wrong. at times i want to kill myself and i do try. then i realize it isnt worth it. i really want and need help.




  1. Are you still in High School?  If so, speak to your guidance counselor.  Since your family is not there for you, which really sucks, you can speak with your pediatrician or OB/Gyn.  They can then refer you to a mental health professional for help.  Good luck.  And I hope you feel better.  Hang in there.

  2. Being 16 years old is traumatic in the first place, let a lone trying to deal with adult situations such as you are.  Now that you are a mother, I am not sure if your child is with you or not, but it does not really matter.  Hormonally things are wacko which will make you feel a range of feelings; if you just had the baby, unfortunately it takes a long time for your body to recover.  Like I said, at 16, your body is going through changes anyway, but add a pregnancy on top of it and feelings intensify triple-fold!!!!  You will start feeling better!  I know that it does not help today, but give time time and things will begin to look up.  Your in a real tough period of your life.  Your family sounds like they are overwhelmed, and have taken on dynamics which are not necessarily supportive.  You say your mother yells all the time.  Well, I am a mother too, and I yell also.  It doesn't mean that I don't love my children, however, life on life's terms has worn me down also.  I know this isn't an excuse, but I can't help feeling perhaps your mother is feeling the same.  As far as your father, just go to him and tell him how much you love him and how much his support would mean to you during your difficult time.  Daddy's little girl will always be Daddy's little girl.  Tell him that it hurts when he ignores you, and that you'd like to talk a few minutes daily.  See what he says.  Lastly, because your going through a hard time, it seems like you cannot catch a break, and that you have no support.  When you are not feeling well, depressed, low self-esteem, etc. the feelings of being hurt are exaggerated.  Put the concentration of yourself, be the best that you can be, and forget about doing things, and expecting that people will be their for you, just be there for them because you want to be.  That in itself will attract people to you, and be there for you when you are having a hard time.  SOL but I've been there and I want you to know that you are not alone, and that whatever you are feeling will pass!!!!!

  3. It sounds like you have alot on your plate for a 16 year old and the stress has reached its limit. You need to talk to a professional therapist that can help you sort your feelings out and how to deal with them. Don't ever think that no one will miss you if you commit suicide.

    I don't know you and I care about your well being, just imagine how your parents, son would be without you. Please get the help you need.

    I will be praying for you. e-mail me anytime you need to talk. God bless.

  4. You're 16 and have a son?  Could you be suffering from postpartum depression? Nobody can help you here I'm afraid but you are very self aware and know you need help, so is there a reason why you can't go to a clinic, or your doctor? I think you know what to do but just need a sounding board.  I feel for you and I hope you rise above all the **** you're experiencing.  Good luck!

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