
I'm so depressed over him?

by  |  earlier

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This guy i really liked but was only dating just turned me down tonight i'm so depressed this is what he said to me (via myspace message)

ight i have to tell you somthin.....iam not feeling this anymore.....iam not feeling the same wy bout you as when we started to talk......iam sooo sorry but i think that we should just stay friends for now

Please help me I'm so depressed and this girl keeps commenting him and my name is ally but her name is allie and she looks kind of like me and its just i dont know what to do and its like i really cared about him and i kind of saw it coming because he used to say i love you after he called me every night and he just started saying peace and stuff and like he said he would call back but he never would.




  1. You need to know something: You are not depressed. I have been depressed. I suffer from depression. You're just a little sad and are making a big deal out of a little thing.

    Look, you're a kid. These things happen because children aren't emotionally mature enough for a real relationship. You weren't in love with him (wait until you're older to know the difference between love and infatuation) and the reason you're hurting is because you feel rejected. This happens. It's a learning experience. You'll be sad for a while, then you'll get over it.

    Just accept wisdom from someone older and more experienced.

  2. hes lame. i mean come on, he broke up with u via MYSPACE! :[

    heres what ppl said to me:;...

  3. Average guy. Basically, you just have to force yourself to move past it. There are a lot of other guys who would love to be with you and not just talk to you for a few weeks and then say he's not feeling it. Some guys are honestly afraid of having a girlfriend and make up all kinds of excuses. Just don't message him, don't comment him, don't go to his myspace, don't call him or anything like that because that's just going to prove to him that your basically sprung off him, which is what all guys want to know. Just let it be that and keep it moving. He might come to his senses and start to miss you when he realizes what he's doing and he might not. Either way what he does is not your problem. Just do you.

  4. cuz hes a *** hole just like all guys thats why u find another boy and use him to get over that one and then so on and so on.. do it  

  5. You wont remember his name in 6 months, just be glad it ended before you got pregnant or something.

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