
I'm so depressed right now, feel like cutting, need help.

by  |  earlier

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I have been a cutter for about 5 years now and right now I'm extreamly depressed and want to cut. I don't know what I should do. I don't know why I shouldn't just cut myself right now. I don't have anyone to turn to right now. My two best friends are actually fighting with each other right now, yelling at each other as I type this, but thats not why I'm depressed. My only other friend that I have been able to talk with is the actual reason why I'm so depressed, so I can't talk with him. I know ppl are going to post saying that if he is why I'm upset, all the more reason to talk to him, but its a bit complicated and would take awhile to explain why I really can't talk with him. I don't know where to turn, i'm so lost and lonely and depressed right now.




  1. cutting releases a hormone that believe it or not helps pain go away but this is not a way to deal with your emotions! your actaully taking a good step asking for help

  2. Call a crisis hotline or 911

  3. well i can say cuttings a bad idea, it screws ur body up, heart proplems etc. talking to others sure youve heard it before. if your not getting help try getting it. hmmm one method i fuess u can try is putting a rubbe band round ur wrist and snapping it wenever u want to cut. yeah i must learn more methods for that (not for myself). well i know this was **** all help, if u want to talk feel free to email me via mr profile. good luck.

  4. Call the ER and speak with a doctor. While you may not plan on killing yourself, hurting yourself isn't the best decision either. You can always contact a 24-hour helpline to discuss the issues.  

  5. IM me, u can talk to me. email me, ill email back. if u want my number u can even call me, just DONT DO IT. please.  

  6. Please, E - mail me. there is nothing here that can't be sorted out. I am very experienced, and I have helped many people through this sort of thing. x x x

  7. Distract yourself, Talk to someone...if its possible, watch television. Do anything that will distract you, i suggest talk to someone..anyone

  8. I hate to say it but cutting yourself is a form of being suicidal. You are harming yourself and crying out for attention so someone can help you. Cutting yourself is not going to make your problems go away or get better. If anything it is going to cause youmore harm than good. What if one day you cut yoursefl to deep and dont stop bleeding. You can die!! You can also get infections from cutting yourself. No matter what the problems are this is not the answer. Instead of cutting you should go talk to someone, maybe a professional. Someone that does not know you that can give you advice withour being biased. 5 years is a long time to be doing this to yourself and it shows that you do need some help. Pls re think the cutting and go see someone for your own good.  

  9. Write out your frustrations on paper.  It will help you sort out what is going through your mind and you may find a solution through it.  And if you feel comfortable you could also let this friend read it to see where you are coming from.

  10. Don't dooo ittt.

    I was clinically diagnosed with depression in April.(Runs in my family).

    Honestly, just know that you're not the only person out there who feels like they are going through more than what they can handle.  Wait until some of the drama dies down, don't take anything out on yourself!

  11. Is calling your parents, grandparents, cousin, sibling, uncle or aunt out of the can call the suicidhot linene, they can talk to you even if not suicidal, that'what theyhey do.......

  12. Just wondering, Do you cut to try to kill yourself, or just to feel pain so you can focus on that instead of focusing on being depressed? A few years ago when I was depressed I always thought about hurting myself, but I was too scared to do anything. Have you ever gotten help for this? Maybe you should go to a psychologist right away, tell him/her your problem and they can help you through it and give you medicine, its worth a try.  

  13. message me through to my profile and find it...and we can talk if you want..i'll give you my IM

    listen...I haven't been a cutter cuz I fear the smallest needles and weird patterns and butterflies

    but y-day I cut maself accidentally with a tuna fish can...i know stupid...i don't know how it happened

    but blood came out and I was ready to faint

    hopped around ready to cry

    it was like a half inch length cut lol

    There's nothing you can really do or say to yourself to make YOU happy but to talk to someone and let out all your holding inside

    Cause I would do that and it would help me

    my religious oppressive muslim parents made me wear a scarf in 3rd grade

    back then nobody would wear it in my public school

    not even the adults

    6th grade I had to wear the long robe

    Can't wear normal clothes, can't have friends, no phone

    I'm 18 for heaven's sake and they won't let me have a career

    they laugh in my face, beat me up emotionally more than physically

    Everyday I look at my pills and think of overdosing to hurt myself

    Best friend? lol....when I confessed to her about the pills she just said, "you can't kill yourself with takes more than pills"


    hmmm her boyfriend went religious all of a sudden and told my best friend of 8years to not talk to me no more

    and since we graduated from high school...we can only talk through msn/email and she won't even say anything

    if i confront her...she ignores it because her

    'boyfriend of 2 years is her future husband...she has to listen to him....'

    so whose shoulder do I lean on when my parents laugh/taunt/mock/hurt me every hour of the day? When they accuse me of things I never did?

    I did so much for my best friend and she chooses her boyfriend over me. She told our other friends some lame excuses as to why she won't say a word..she also changed her college without telling me so I'm still supposed to think we are going to the same one

    Oh I fought to go to parents aren't going to let me now

    So how do I move out with no money, no job?

    If your situation with the guy is complicated, don't talk to him right now.

    Instead of concerning yourself bout your friends...look at your heart. It's so fragile...make yourself independent inside so when others say/do doesnt hurt your right away.

    And self harming yourself doesnt really get you anywhere.

    it takes the pain emotionally away for temporary.

    Did you try to turn to writing or music to heal your pain? You need to find what it is you can do. For me it's music, writing, and dance. Locking my bedroom door so my parents don't find out.

    Find something that can help you...something you love that you can turn to..other than your friends/family

    so you have time to think

    And when something bothers can come to this site for advice.

    You can go to too and describe your full situation and mentors will email advice to you

    or chat live with a mentor.

    Try to keep a diary to log your feelings too.

    good luck.

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