
I'm so fed up with my life at the moment. Can anyone suggest anything at all?

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I'm only 16 and finding it really hard to get some sort of summer job. Can anyone suggest a hobby? Something to work towards? I'm just exhausted, I can't think of anything at all.




  1. Mmmm....I remember that weird summer feeling . . . so nice to have nothing to do for a few weeks, and then so miserable to have nothing to do for a few weeks.  

    Does your town (or city) have a place where you could volunteer?  Maybe a homeless shelter, or a retirement home, or a library, or a hospital?  Volunteering someplace would not only give you something to do a few days a week, it would make you a more attractive candidate for a summer job next year.  You'd have (hopefully positive) references from the place you volunteered, and you would have shown that you could seek out and live up to responsibilities.   If you can't think of any place that needs high school volunteers, talk to a few of your adult neighbors or your parents' friends.  If you're friendly and sincere with them, I'd bet that you'd get a lead from one of them on a part-time job or volunteer gig.

    Or, another option...set an arbitrary goal to live up to for the summer.  If you run, train for a half marathon.  If you like to bike, train to bike the farthest you've ever gone.  If you're a reader, pick one author and read all of that author's works and then a book about the author.  If you like to travel (but don't yet have the money or parental permission to to travel), spend time researching the state or country you might want to visit as soon as you are able.  In a way, it doesn't so much matter what the goal is. . . the working toward it will be interesting in and of itself.

  2. Hey there,

    Looking for some kind of job. Look at the local newspaper, they might be something for you.

    Good Day!

  3. Volunteer!!! That will give you more meaning!

  4. You can travel if possible and go to the beach that's too lovely, you can also go out with some friends to enjoy your time(especially if they are funny)..or you can just practise some sports...

    If you wanna work you can be a guide for the tourists...this makes your time valuable and enjoyable.

  5. Since this is an election year, there are a lot of local and national political campaigns that could use some interns.  If you're interested in politics or making a difference in the country, that might be a good thing for you.

    Also, you could try volunteering for a charity or organization that helps people, animals, the environment, etc.  Volunteer work is very rewarding and studies show that the people who volunteer actually benefit more from it than the people they're trying to help, happiness-wise.  

    There are plenty of good causes out there, and if you find one you're passionate about and you can feel like you're making a difference, you won't feel fed up anymore.  Also, a lot of unpaid internships and volunteer positions lead to paying jobs eventually.  Good luck!

  6. i'm exactly the same so i just did some extra work round the house and now have enough money to get a gym membership so i can get fitter for next year

  7. I personally recommend going to class for EMT.  When you are certified, you can volunteer to help people who really do need your help.

    Just remember that all those horrible car crashes and cardiac arrests are only maybe 5% of what is done by ambulance personnel.

  8. if you just want something to do , volunteer some where

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