
I'm so jealous that a friend is pregnant. Help me feel better please?

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I just got diagnosed with PCOS and now my hubby has a low sperm count. I feel like my chances are running out. And my friend pops up pregnant. Now I'm happy for her...but I can't help but feel upset and down. Any words of encouragement?





  1. yea i was diagnosed in january of this year and i always feel a little sad when i see a mother and baby or a pregnant woman...all i can say is keep your head up and keep trying. (((hug))) ****~baby dust~****

  2. UGH. I totally feel your pain. I have been ttc for 11 months now, and I know SIX women that are pregnant right now!!! Including my best friend whom I work with. This is her second and she got pregnant on the first try with both times. I want to be happy for her, but I can't help but be irritated/sad when she tells some one in front of me that she is pg, or when she complains about morning sickness. I can only think to say that I'm sorry for your pain. I started a blog not too long ago. My husband is the only one who's read it - it's not so much for other people to read as it is for me to vent. I really wish the best for you. Patience and baby dust.

  3. I can understand what you fee. dont think your chances are running out. i have seen many people with PCOS have babies. Low sperm count also is not at all a big prob with all the medical help we have at hand if we need them. I am ttc for 7 months and my cousin gets preggers within 1 month of ttc!!!!... i was jealous.. so relax... it all happens.....everything will be fine.... Take one day at a time.. all the best :)

  4. i know exactly how you feel... i was in the same shoes, when trying for 8 months and it seemed all my girlfriends were announcing their pregnancies during that time...

    little did i know, that it was MY turn next!  I got pregnant after 8 months of ttc, and now i hear of other girlfriends or acquaintances struggling while ttc, and i am sure they feel the same way (secretly) about my pregnancy...

    hang in there, be happy for your friends... who knows how long it took them to get pregnant... and assume it is YOUR turn soon!

    best wishes!

  5. oh dear dont get sad. I even conceived and had miscarriage. when I was bleeding,I felt like this is my baby  but I coulnt stop it and i was so helpless . its really not in our hands dear.all we can do is pray that I will do for you too. ok. please smile now.its goin to be all right.

  6. Let me be a success story I too was diagnosed with PCOS and told chances were I couldnt have another baby!! Well I did and I didnt even need fertility treatments....Try to be positive I was and it helped!! I also say dont try so hard and it will happen.Dont be down bc being upset can make you less fertile!! Say lots of prayers that God will bless you soon with a beautiful baby!!! I hope this helped at least to know it is possible!! With God all things are!!! Good luck to you!!

  7. I'm in the same boat, so I know how you feel. My friends niece, who is 22 and got married one week after me, is pregnant, and I am 36 and I feel like I am running out of time.

    However, I try to remind myself that other people being pregnant has nothing to do with whether or not I will get pregnant. It's not like there is a limited number of pregnancies to go around. Being angry or jealous just brings you down, it doesn't fix anything. Try to remember that when you're feeling low, it helps me.

  8. That must be so hard, I'm sorry that you and you're husband are having difficulties. Now I'm on the opposite side, I'm pregnant with my second, and know a lot of women who cannot get pregnant especially at work. I really feel like I can't enjoy this special moment because I know it hurts them. Its an awkward situation for all. Mostly, I try to stay quiet about it as to not upset them, and offer words of comfort such as: anything can happen so don't give up on trying.

  9. I am the same way.  It seems that all my friends are pregnant and I can't seem to achieve it.  I hate that I am jealous of them, but I just try to be happy.  I know I would want them to be happy if the tables were turned.  Keep trying!  Your road may be a little more rocky, but the destination will be even sweeter!  GL and lots and lots and lots of baby dust!!!

  10. Know that there is always another cycle that you can try, with pcos it may feel as if it'll never happen but it will, try not to let your friend pregnancy keep you away from her, Last year August my friend told me that she was pregnant and from since then I haven't spoken to her and I feel so sad inside.

    Baby dust to you

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