
I'm so nervous whenever I failed to take great score. Am I weaken?

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In my college, I usually have a English test as for words.

Yesterday, I made so fool mistakes which never did I failed.

I had knew and understood words but I couldn't do that.

Althoiugh I didn't complain to fail that, I couldn't endure.

Do you think I am fool?




  1. I would talk to your professor to see what you can do to help understand his/her class a little bit better. It's normal to be nervous, when you don't do a great job at something and you get a low mark, and it's an indicator that there are some things that need to be strengthen and you'll do better next time and ask your professors for help. Everyone in college goes through this issue. It's okay if you repeat the class, a lot of my friends in graduate school had to repeat the classes because they didn't understand the class the first time around and they finally understood it the second time around and they are graduating from grad. school. You can do it.

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