
I'm so sad. I feel boys don't want to date me?

by  |  earlier

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I always feel so left out whenever I see a couple kissing.

I am 17 and it's the age I should start having a boyfriend.

It hurts me so much when I see teenagers kissing that I break down into tears. I just can't help it.

If people are already married, then of course I understand that, but when they are my age then it's different. Sometimes I feel I'm the only girl that hasn't got a boyfriend. Boys do like me but no one has asked me out. Are they too shy?

Sometimes I feel I'm too ugly. It just makes me very sad..people have metioned that I'm pretty but I don't believe that.

I just don't know why. I look like any normal girl, but is there a special gift I have inside?

The reason I don't ask boys out is because I had this incident with a boy who was really nasty to me just because I was being friends. He told me to p**s off and he didn't ever want to see me again. He was such a b*****d!! All thanks to him, that;s why Im scared of asking boys.

And sometimes these actions can be a bit unbearable to sometimes be dertmined about someone or yourself.

I am usually confident, it's just that incident I had.

How can I get boy's attention more and to be with them?

Will I find the boy of my dreams one day?




  1. if youre just looking for fun, try showing off a lil more skin or much more skin.

    so what if they had their kiss at 15,16 or even 13.. lol.

    I had my first kiss at 16 and thats in a club. a 22 year old girl that i completely didnt know of.  and I would completely forget her if you hadnt brought this question up. Though i had more than a kiss that night.. it was one of those things that you thought youd have fun but when you got home and thought of it, you felt that it was overrated.. see where im gettin at?

    Im just tryin to show you a point of view of my experience as a guy kissing at that age. Great guys will like you for who you are, not because theyre your first kiss and etc.

  2. I have the EXACT same problem. My friends tell me I'm amazing but I just refuse to believe that. I'm just going to tell you you probably are amazing and you shouldn't put yourself down. My friends tell me that when I say I've never dated anyone or kissed anyone.

  3. I have the exact same problem... I meet a guy and he'll flirt and i'll start to like him... but then we always end up being just friends

  4. sweety i swear im having the same problem right now. im 17 too and i feel left out too. i mean come on we can't be hideous were average looking girls. ive had many people like me but it just never seems to work out when I like someone else. i finally met a guy i liked and he flirted with me n gave me all the signs of liking me then and then boom nothing happened. i was really pissd. i personally think that both of us and other people out there that are lonely are going to find their soulmate. the time will come when we all fall in love. i no its frustrating waiting for that time to come but what can we do we can't force people to like us it has to happen naturally. so don't worry about it. be like me! don't let it bother you so much. i get sad to when i see cute couples but i always remind myself my time will come too. ill meet my edward. thats wat i always say (hes a charactor from the twilight book saga. best books ever you should read them!) so all i can say is WHATEVERS MEANT TO BE WILL BE. so stop worrying and just enjoy the time you have guy scoping cuz once u do meet your soulmate i highly doubt hes gonna be ok with you checkin out other guys ;]


  5. Its the culture you live in. You feel left out. People laugh at you for not having a boyfriend and not being able to get laid.

    Do you really need a boyfriend now?

  6. What you believe about yourself will out-manifest in your life regardless of how pretty you may actually be. If you do not feel pretty, you will show it in your attitude and perhaps that is what may turn a guy off. Regarding the incident with the boy who told you to "p**s off", just know that boys who behave that way are deeply insecure as they lack the sensitivity that it takes to love a woman. A gentleman does not behave that way, so you are better off without him.

    Now, are boys too shy? Yes, most likely!

    Do you have a special gift inside you? Yes you do, but you have to believe it and find out for yourself!

    And you are not the only girl your age without a boyfriend!

    I would say, why rush it? Relax, be yourself, smile, show that you are happy and fun to be with! You see, your personality - that is part of who you are inside - is really what will attract a man into your life. Hang out with other girls! Guys will be draw to a nice group of girls! Don't compete! Just be yourself! The best way to gain some attention is by smiling! When guys see a pretty girl smiling they fall!

    Will you meet the man of your dreams one day? Sure! Just be sure of what you dream about and be realistic. I mean, if you dream of some star, I would say, be a star yourself and shine! Dismiss the incident with the "b*****d" that told you to "p**s off!" Let it go and don't be scared of talking to boys ( but be aware that boys don't know how to communicate as well as you do!). Be friendly, drop the books when you are next to the boy you like and look embarrased and pick them up, then the protective instict will kick in and you will stabish a connection if he picks up the books for you. Smile, then say thank you and kiss him on the cheek. Even if he does nothing you have nothing to loose, but you simply have proven that you are a sweet girl and regardless, you believe in love and yourself! By the way, don't kiss because you don't want to be left out! Kiss because you really care for the guy!

    This may be a little long but I wanted to cover all your questions.

    And please, when you reach 18 you probably will have the older guys ask you out! Just be careful and don't let anyone ever use you!

  7. I have the same problem... The best thing to do is wait.But if you want to go looking go to a shopping centre or somewhere like that and check out all the boys you want and eventually you will meet him lol :)

  8. I can totally relate to your situation. I'm 18 and haven't had a boyfriend. A couple of guys have liked me, but I didn't like them back, and the guys i've liked never returned the feelings..

    You don't have to ask out boys, let them do the asking. But if you want to express interest; try improving your self confidence. If you've had people say you're pretty, you probably are; don't be so insecure.

    I would say i'm just average in looks, which is sadly probably one of the main reasons I haven't had a boyfriend. The (good-looking) guys never like me, and I never like the (rather average looking) guys. I hate it, I feel so superficial, but physical appearance is a major part of attraction...

    Don't be sad, i'm sure you'll get a boyfriend within the next few years, be confident, highlight the good parts of your appearance and don't act desperate.

    Good luck to all the singletons out there around my age!! :D  

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