
I'm so scared, we used to have lots and lots of money but now..

by  |  earlier

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Daddy says that hes having problems. I didn't realise how bad these were until the other day. Normally we get a taxi everywhere. Now we had to buy a car. and daddy drives. its so weird.

does this mean we could get thrown out the house or something?

and also I normally get quite a bit of money when I go out or go to a party or whatever, but i didnt get a credit card or get to choose what money I got or anything daddy just gave me like a few notes.

I'm really scared.




  1. wow really

    hows it feel not to have

    get a box live on street where 1.5 of the usa lives now because of the great dumb *** bush remember have dad vote for mccain  then u might lose your home  

  2. Take deep're going to OK and well dressed I'm sure.

    You should read everything you can about Tori Spelling.

    Her father had buckets more money than your father - but he left her with practically nothing.

    I'm sure she cried lots of tears, but then she took care of business.

    She is no longer the piece of fluff she was - and she has the security of knowing that she made it herself and doesn't need daddy.

    So - go make Tori your patron saint.  Look at your clothes, shoes, bags, etc. - try selling them on eBay or and enjoy the feeling of having yoru own money.

  3. Hii no offense but you are soo overreacting. Your dad will work it out evantually but I suggest helping your family more. Just because your dad had to buy a car doesnt mean it is the end of the world because everyone drives cars. Also just because your dad is driving so doesnt mean you are going to get thrown out of your house. I am not going to say you are spoiled but you really need to think of more important things in life because now you realize that you took advantage of money and now that you dont have a lot anymore you think you are going to die. Everyone is normal because everyone has problems. Dont just think because you dad is having problems you are going to die because you have to get a job or your dad has to drive a car.

    In this experience I think you should get a hold of reality because it seems like you are taking money for granted.

  4. The best thing that could happen to you is to have to be more independent of yourself. If creates self esteem and character. Kids that are given too much turn out to be money minded individuals that don't have a clue what it's like to struggle. Struggling is so good for the soul and helping others that are not as fortunate as you would be a good start. you most likely don't like my answer and I don't mean it as cruel, just being honest. You can do this and you in turn will be proud of yourself! You go girl.

  5. Honey

    Wake up to the real world.  Money doesnt grow on trees.  Have you thought about getting a part-time job?

  6. Just talk to your dad and find out if there is some way to help out and adjust.


  7. welcome to reality.

  8. just chill your dad will work it out

  9. obvious troll is obvious

  10. normal people?? wat the *** dya think u are??..daddy this and daddy that!!!!! such questions round here!!!!!!!!! get a job and a life please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. If your Daddy can still afford to buy a car - and to give you a few notes to go out....stop worrying. *sheesh*

  12. yea, that's sound scary, try to listen what they talk about at nights to figure-out

  13. welcome to the wonderful world that is REALITY.....

  14. Welcome to the real world =).

    You dont want to get a job? Thats pathetic get up off your lazy as* and get a job. YOu wont be "daddys little girl" forever. One day you will relize there are a lot worse things than that. Your pathetic you need a real wake up call.

  15. Im kinda having the same prob. We used to have a few mil and my mom would let me buy stuff. but now she doesnt let me buy N E thing, even if i use my own money. You shud try to help out your dad a little.Maybe get a job. if U already have one, get a higher paying one.

  16. Yes, you're totally going to have to be thrown out of your house because "daddy" couldn't give you loads of money and he had to BUY a car.  Oh wow.

    I doubt it's not that much of a problem, don't be over dramatic.

  17. s***w YOU

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