
I'm so scared i think i have b*****s cancer what do i do??

by  |  earlier

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I'm only 13.. and i have a cyst on my right breast about a cementer in size

I'm so scared

and it hurts and i was looking at pics of breast cancer

and this looks sorta like it

and there is such thing as brest cancer in young people

so please don't say there's no way

please help!!




  1. cancer doesnt know ages  even little kids get all types of it

  2. Calm down and see a doctor as soon as possible.

    That's the only way to deal with this situation.

  3. At 13 your chances of having breast cancer are very, very close to zero; it's mainly a disease of ageing - 80% of those diagnosed are over 50, it's rare in women under 40 and almost unheard of in under 20s.

    The American Cancer Society and other cancer organisations recommend that women begin regular breast self-examination at the age of 20; there's a reason for that.

    Most breast lumps, even in women over 50, are not cancerous. And most cancerous breast lumps don't hurt - few people diagnosed with breast cancer have felt any pain.

    Those are the facts. You can scare yourself silly believing that 13 year olds get breast cancer, or you can accept those facts.

    Your b*****s are still growing and developing, and what you describe is almost certainly hormonal.

    Talk to your mother about this; if for any reason you feel you can't do that, talk to your school nurse - she will be used to questions like yours and will take you seriously, and should be able to reassure you.

  4. not all lumps are cancerous. alot of them are benign(non cancerous). usually, if its cancerous, you will have more symptoms than just a lump. but you NEED to see a doctor, just to be safe. normally people your age dont get breast cancer. its usually in older women. but still see a doc. i wish you well.

  5. Only a doctor can tell you if you have breast cancer or not. Yes, young people can get it although it's much more rare than someone middle aged and up.

    Talk to your parents and let them know what's going on and that you feel you need to have it checked out. If you don't have a similar lump on the other breast (which can happy with "lumpy-bumpy b*****s" then it needs to be examined to determine what it is. Chances are high that it is non-cancerous, but it isn't wise to just hope that's the case and not have it looked at.

    Best wishes that all is well!

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