
I'm so self conscious about...?

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my stretch marks i honestly don't feel fat. I'm 5'4.and i wear size 2s or 4s at American Eagle.but i have stretch marks on my butt and on my inner thighs. ill be 16 in January and i weigh about 126.and i live in northwestern Washington so it not always hot but it does have warm weather and i really love to wear shorts but i cant because my stretch marks on my legs show at the bottom.and I'm jealous when all my friends can wear shorts on warm days and i have to wear jeans.

i guess i got stretch marks because i grew to fast.

I also play a lot of sports.

and i know you can not get rid of stretch marks but i just want to know how to make them fade...or how much it costs to get them removed..

it would make me so much happier.i would have a lot more confidence.

thank you all.=].<3.




  1. At your age, you shouldn&#039;t be worrying about anything. Especially stretch marks, cause honestly, almost everyone has stretch marks! If you still feel like people stare or something, first you shouldnt care what other people think because under those jeans, they probably got em too! haha. but other than that, skin bleach creams help because its a skin pigmentation problem. These creams reduce the color pigment in the area where you put them and fade away scars, stretch marks etc. Theres alot of skin bleach creams out there. Try Stillman&#039;s bleach cream. Put it on every night before you go to sleep. It might take a while for you to see the result completely. But they&#039;ll fade away eventually.

  2. Use coco butter, i have the same problem, ughh.

    I lvie in washington to :)

  3. cocoa butter formula, rub it on 2-3 times a day.

  4. aloe vera gel  

  5. I have the same problem actually, so irritating.

    I&#039;ve heard that using &quot;bio-oil&quot; religiously can help fade some stretch marks. I&#039;m planning to try out it once i find time to go out and buy it.

  6. That&#039;s not necessarily true that you can&#039;t get rid of stretchmarks. I have a friend who was a bodybuilder that would get really bad stretchmarks and he would always rub Vitamin E oil on them at least once a day. A lot of them went away completely and the rest were so faint you could hardly see them.

    I&#039;ve used it on my arms a little bit and it&#039;s worked for me too.

  7. You really shouldn&#039;t be too self-concious about them, but I understand it&#039;s hard not to be. (I am 18 and I have them because I was a chunky little booger when I was younger, along with the fact that I grew and developed very early and quickly.) Most women have them to some extent though.

    Palmer&#039;s makes a cocoa butter lotion that is supposed to help fade them. If they&#039;re still bright red, then it will work best now. With time they fade though. Many people say tanning helps conceal them, and it&#039;s true. Self-tanners are helpful because they pretty much dye the top layer of skin a tan color, making the tone appear more even.

    Good luck! :)  

  8. oohh.. i had the same problem...swimming was a difficulty!

    but i started to use bio oil and tone up my thighs and bum (that&#039;s where the stretch  marks were) and now they are hardly visible!

    and i am sure that by the time i am 16 (i&#039;m 15 now) they will be gone!

    good luck to you


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