
I'm so short! What too do!

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Hi I am almost 14, but I am only 5'0 tall, and i only weigh 88. Everyone is taller and heavier, what should i do?




  1. Don't worry, you're obviously a late bloomer but you will grow by leaps and bounds in the next year or two.  You may not be over six feet but you will be alot bigger than you are now.  Chances are you will end up being of normal height and stature.  all my brothers are over 6ft tall but they were runts until about the 10th or 11th grade and then they shot right up really fast!  There's still hope for you kid.  Just enjoy life now and don't worry.

  2. My friend IS 14 and she's just REACHING 5'0. You're not alone. Don't worry about what everyone else is like, just respect your height and weight, be happy for who you are and other people will learn to respect you too.

  3. coffee 3 cups a daymakes ya grow like crazy mix it with milk for optimum results =)  

  4. There isn't much you can do.  The height you're going to be was genetically determined at the moment you were conceived.  You can do things to PREVENT yourself from attaining your full height, but you really can't make yourself taller or grow any faster.

    The things you CAN do:

    Get lots of sleep.  This is when your body repairs itself and it's when new cells grow.  You're 13, so you should still be getting a solid 8 hours at night and might even find you need a bit more than that.

    Healthy diet.  Your bones can't grow without the proper nutrients available to create more bone and the support structures needed.  This means protein, high fiber complex carbohydrates, dairy products, and the healthy monounsaturated fats.  Dairy - as a teen, you should be getting the equivalent of 3 glasses of milk every day.  I personally don't like milk or yogurt, so I use the instant pudding.  One cup of pudding equals one cup of milk, and you need 3 cups per day.

    Exercise.  Your bones need to be stressed to remain healthy, too.  Walking, running, riding bikes, skating, playing tennis or basketball - all good.  

    Fast food, junk food, too many sweets, hours and hours of video games - all bad.  Sorry, but truly, it's only for another 5 or 6 years.

    When I was 16, I dated a young man who was my exact height - 5'3".  Two years later, he was 5'10".  Both of my brothers went through huge growth spurts between the ages of 16 and 20.  You probably do have at least one more growth spurt ahead of you.  Take care of your body for the next few years, and you'll get the most height out of that growth spurt.  

  5. You can't stretch yourself out to get taller its growth which happens over time..

    deal with it now .

    just cause everyones taller doesn't mean you should.

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