
I'm so sick and tired of school?

by Guest57667  |  earlier

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I'm so tired of school I just can't stand it anymore. I've been an A student for all these years. I just started 6th grade, middle school, and I just feel like it's the end of the world. My classmates are really immature, they disturb the class, not mentioning the annoyance and peer pressure. I don't have any real friends but I got used to it and it doesn't really matter anymore. The thing that bothers me the most is that they don't realize how stupid they act and they just stop my freaking class! I really want to learn, have a great future but I've been getting more stupider (Is that even a word?) trough the whole year. I know I am going to have my Midterm Tests right now and I know it is important to pass them. I have been considering homeshool which I think is a really good option. I mean, I am a really individual and independent working student and I am sure I would learn much more when homeshooled than covering the same old topic for a week because teachers stop the class to "t




  1. i live in NYC and i sick of school also i almost missed whole semester ( due to family troubles) im in high school (10th grade)

    believe me HS will be much worse that middle school

  2. HomeSchooling sre sounds liek your best option. YOu could do the work before your parents get home and then they could help you if you have any problems, or you could just do it with them when they get home. Also,, If you don't want to be home alone, you could have your parents call your local library and ask if it would be ok if you came by every day, or just 3 days a week and worked there, you would have all the info you need, and it would be quite, and you would not be home alone! If you have any olded siblings that are out of school, that wold be good too, or reletives.

  3. go homeschooling! it sounds as if you'd APPRECIATE it. you kow you don't like it and don't want to go back. it is rather annoying huh? i think it's a great idea to homeschool


  4. It sounds like you would do great as a homeschooler.  You seem like you would be devoted and really love it.  And you're obviously a lot more mature and intelligent than a lot of people your age.

    While you probably would do all right with working by yourself in the day and having your parents help you when they get home from work, the thing you should check on is whether it's legal to be home alone at your age.  I think most states have a law about the age when children are allowed to be home alone, and I don't know what New York's is.  If your parents were willing to let you homeschool, that's something they should check into.

    I don't really know what to say as far as convincing your parents to let you homeschool.  I would suggest you at least stay at your school until the end of this year though, since you're already halfway through.  But... a lot of kids want to homeschool because they don't like schoolwork, teachers, etc and just want to get away from it all.  You, on the other hand, are devoted to school and fed up with the immaturity and lack of education around you.  Make sure you stress that to your parents.  You should also plan on getting involved in some other activities (youth groups, 4-H, scouts, something like that) to make sure that you DO stay social and make friends.  Also, do research on homeschooling and give them so facts and figures. is a good place to start (and to find out what your state's laws are).

    Good luck!

  5. First, review these links:

    About your parents working, you may try some of these ideas:

    1) Try to contact one of the homeschool support group in your area (always with your parents) and see if they have homeschool groups where you can study.

    2) Make an schedule with your parents, so you can work through it and review all the work when they arrive.

    3) If you have another family member, neighbour or sibling, it is good to be with someone else during the day so they can take care of you and you won't feel too lonely. You can also ask them to help in your studies.

    4) Some states have online and distance learning programs that you can use. If your state has one of those, they can help you as you won't have a full-day tutor.

  6. I know how you feel. I'm in the same situation except I have alot of friends.. I researched and found online schools for kids who want to be come schooled.. I believe Cambridge Academy was one of them.. Google homeschool online Cambridge and it should show up

  7. Homeschooling is a wonderful option for students like you who want to learn, and find the school environment hindering that.

    You will have to work it out with your parents though.

  8. I think you should talk to your parents again about  how you feel about school.It sounds like you are not gaining much from school.Most good students go through this.My daughter is like you , aquiet well-behaved student.I suggest that you talk to a school counsellor.At least finish school now where you are.Can you be put in a different class?

  9. Homeschooling is a good option. I recommend you and your parents research homeschool and decide how you want to approach learning in your home. It gives you so much more freedom with your studies and your social life. Just remember that you have to change the way you think about learning and socializing. Everything is up to you and your folks. It is what you make it.

  10. homeschoolin is good....

    but sweetie ur young.... of course scho0l is lame but better... believe me when u get to high school its gonna be worse then middle school u juz.... gotta live with it becuz life gets harder.... and being home school well its good its juz it gets lonely once in while... so u juz gotta think this one through.. good luck i hope i helped alot

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