
I'm so sick can I still be pregnant even after negative?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I are trying for a baby. Last month we had s*x several times around my ovulation days. I am suppost to get my period on the 5th of this month. So I took a pregnancy test this morning which would be 3 days before my missed period. It came out negative. I have had every symptom in the book headaches, weird feeling in stomach, moodyness, sore back, feeling like im getting my period, ect. From experience has anyone tested on the 3rd day before period and gotten a negative and then tested again and go positive a few days later? I know if I wait a few more days I'll know but I just want to see if I should stop getting my hopes up. Thanks




  1. its possible you could be!... but sometimes you want to be pregnant so bad your body starts feeling the pregnancy symptoms when you're not even pregnant!... best of luck baby dust and God bless!

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