
I'm so sick of the racists at school...?

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I'm not racist whatsoever, but the black kids at my school can say whatever they want about white people like 'cracka' and 'white boi'. But if a white person says something as little as 'black kids' then they get jumped and stabbed? I don't get it.

They also are all thugs and trouble makers. There's only 3 sophisticated black kids at my school who are actually smart and willing to do someting for society. Unlike 97% of the other black kids are thugs and just cause trouble and walk like they have sticks up their buts and maintain a GPA of about 2.1...




  1. its called reverse racism

  2. its because some people get the image that some african americans are tough, and they think some white kids who get picked on are scared so they usually wont say things bad to them, and the black kids think the little white kids are scared and wont do anything about it, so they can pick on them

    they THINK

    i never said YOU were scared of him, them themselves just THINK they are tough and they are not, and they get mad and jump you

    you get it? ask your parent if you dont understand


    You can NOT put a stereotype on ALL african american students. You may said you didn't but let me quote you "they also are ALL thugs and trouble makers." HELLO. We are all sinners. That does NOT mean just african americans are. OK?! How about you try being a slave your whole life and being beaten daily. I know plenty of smart african americans. ME (i have not gotten a B in years. I am in the top 10% of my class) my sister and brother are the same. I was in the National Honor Society. Ok and I respect my teachers and peers. Yes, some PEOPLE (not just african americans) choose the wrong path. But you can NOT say it is all of us.

    I am not sure you know all the african american students in your whole school so you can't just say 3 are smart. Do you know if some are trouble makers yet still smarT? I know plenty sweetie so don't get me started GOT IT? GPA OF 2.1? The way you are talking you sound like you have the same. I don't care if you are book smart or not you seem pretty dumb to me to talk like that. Do you not have the guts to talk to the kids or something? Why post it on Y!A Do you not know the rest of the school? There are different races who ALL do bad things. Who knows maybe you even do it too. So think before you try to bad talk african americans.

    God Bless you and I hope that He will open your eyes and show you that black people arent the only sinners in the world. AND DUDE COME ON ITS JUST SCHOOL. STEP INTO THE REAL WORLD

  4. Your learning about the inequities in life.

    I am sorry to say, it gets worse. I hope you are able to survive your school years and can become an elected official and maybe make a change in the laws to stop this nonsense.

    Bottom line, teachers won't make them mind. They have specific instructions to not make them mind, ever.   If they do, there will be more disruptions and more kids OUT of school than in, and that would be labeled by the racists as profiling and singling out black children.

    There is a double standard, and it is, DON'T BE THE WHITE GUY.

  5. i understand what you mean. sometimes when you disagree with certain black people they tend to scream 'racist' but they can say derogatory terms to other people. that is not all black people of course (i'm black myself) but i c what you mean!  

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