
I'm so upset, my sisters ill, again. - scared?

by  |  earlier

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she has not been taking her meds again, and she came to my house and she kept saying ''i know everything'' over and over again, and she was boiling her eyes out, she had lots of beers, and she kept trying to hug my dad, and when my dad said sit down and calm down, she screamed and started stamping her feet and stuff, she also kept telling me ''just hug me and i'll get your mum to get through to me'' and stuff, and she said to my dad he never gave a sh*t about any of his kids, she's 36, and i;m so worried, she doesn't mean this does she? Im more worried about my dad of having a heart attack and stuff, she hears voices in her head and shes bipolar if this helps, please what can i do? im really worried.




  1. my mother in-law has been ill for just over a year this is the second time as she was ill about 15 years ago but this time its much worse.

    she went thru spells of saying people were watching us and that bad things were going to happen, after god knows how meany visits to the doctors she went into hospital where she spent 4 weeks which helped a bit but she then went back in about 6 weeks later.

    in feb she tryed to kill her self and after she came out of hospital the docs upped her med and gave her weekly visits at home then after 4

    When someone is mentaly ill they dont know what they are saying as they block out real life and see things thru a haze and make up what they think is real.

    weeks that stopped and she had to go see them.

    13 months after this all started she is nearly back to normal but still has her bad days.

    what i would say is if you all went to the docs with her and show your support she will slowly recover but it wont happen over night.

    see about getting her in to hospital and some mennursingeing help.

    good luck to you all be strong and things will get better

  2. Just consult a doctor.

  3. well you are 15! Let your parents take care of it. I know you care about her but there is nothing you can do except tell her you support her.

  4. oh god,this is dangerous let her be sectioned again,,she may kill


    go and ask for help

  5. You don't say how old you are!  If you are old enough try these suggestions..if not have your mom or dad try them..

    First off she needs she going?  Talk to the psychiatrist there should be some FAMILY counseling to help her through this and to give you support to understand what she is going through.

    The people with this mental disorder are generally in denial about their illness and they don't want meds governing their lives. They often have to fall down several times before they finally get the message.

    2. Meds are not the great magic bullet that you are desperately hoping for and that those misleading TV ads and the docs who prescribe them lead us to believe. As a general rule, they accomplish only part of the job and are loaded with side effects.  But they are necessary and can be monitored and adjusted as time goes on.  There will be fall backs....due to that fact alone.

    Listen to your sister.   Really listen. Have your mom and dad LISTEN.. Your sister has proably been lectured to death on 'take your meds or face the consequences.' It doesn't work. Believe me, I guarantee your sister is probably feeling bad with the medicine and no one is listening to her.  Maybe if you can tell the doctor what she says it might help with the communication.  It is NOT easy to deal with on ANY SIDE!

    It's amazing how fast progress occurs once people feel they've been listened to. You may find your sister more willing to take her meds - provided that she feels she is part of the solution and that the family is part of it also so she FEELS cared for and taken care of.  You cannot allow her to feel like a victim though...that is pity and you want support!  IT is a FINE LINE..that is why you all need to be in therapy with her from time to time to vent all your concerns and fears and problems.

    Some suggested leading questions you can ask your sister are...

    1. I hear these meds have horrible side effects. Would you care to talk about them?

    2. Someone told me these meds make you feel like a fat zombie eunuch? Is that how you are feeling?

    3. I heard these psychiatrists have a real God-complex. Is that how you feel about the person treating you?

    Once you have a dialogue going, you can mention that the goal of long term treatment is to refine the doses, but this depends on the patient being informed and making sure the psychiatrist is fully aware. Over time, the patient will take the lead role in the doctor-patient relationship. But first, we all have to work together in keeping your sister out of crisis. .

    Right now your family needs communication with her shrink and you all need support to help her!  DO IT NOW!


  6. I am so sorry, first off. I know how hard these situations can be. I would say that you should probably try getting a hold of a doctor and see what they suggest. Also, listen to your heart, if you feel like she needs emergency help, act on it. Do not be afraid of her getting mad at you, it could save her in the end. Again I am sorry, God Bless and good luck!

  7. Can't you find out what doctor she's under? He/she needs to know that your sister isn't taking her meds. Try to humour her into telling you if you don't already know, then contact her doc. She doesn't mean the things she's saying, it's her mental state.

  8. i am so sorry to hear that you or your dad need to go and see your doctor and see about getting her some help i dont mean to be rude but she may need to be sectioned under the mental health act as she may be a danger to herself or others i hope things work out for you all good luck  

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