
I'm so worried about my rents.... what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, my dad and my step mom went over to my step grandmas to help her out cause she's selling her house, so my step-moms helping her move stuff and my dad's patching her roof for her. I'm getting worried tho cause they left at like 1 pm, and now it's 8:30 pm, and i haven't herd from them, and the cell phones not working, and my step-grandma's not answering her phone, My older bro's at a friends house, and I'm at home babysitting my 2 little brother's, 7 and 3, and my 8 month old puppy. My step-grandma lives about 20min away, and I can't get the 7 year old to come out of his room cause now he's upset cause i got mad at him for hitting the dog, so now he's hiding in his room. The only one that's not driving me nuts is the 3 year old who's watching tom and jerry.

Quick over view -- I'm babysitting, there's a 7 year old hiding in his room, can't get a hold of my rents no matter what i try! What am i gonna do? I'm worried that something happened...




  1. Don't worry about it.They will be home later and if the kid is hiding in his room, then good, maybe he will stay out of trouble.He keeps hitting that dog he will have other things to worry about other than hiding in his room when that dog eventually turns on him.

  2. LOL FAMILY GUY. oops, sorry. hehe. ok anyways, call your grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, cousin, church attendent, teacher, or someone you trust alot. maybe they have no signal where they are or maybe they left their phone at home and went to buy some supplies. or something! don't sweat it.  

  3. Just don't worry they're probably fine. I have the same issues when my mom leaves...don't worry and focus on something else.

  4. Call another grown-up. Do you have an aunt, uncle, or maybe a friend of the family who can help you? Call them and let them know about this, maybe they can drive over to your grandmas or they can try contacting your parents. Whatever you do, don't go out by yourself and or with the kids...just hang on tight...they are prob just too busy helping your grandma and they cant hear the phone.  

  5. i think u will b ok. do lyk the others said. call another adult and get them to check it out. i dont think there is ne thing goin on. mayb they have their cell phones in the car or they dont get good recption there. do something lyk fix the kids dinner, make sure they get a bath and by time u get done with that im sure ur "rents" will b home shortly.  

  6. I have the same nature to worry don't worry they will come back its fine usally it us maybe they just went to get somthing to eat

  7. Anyway to see if a friend of your parents can maybe go check on them?

    They could be busy and not realized how late it's getting.

    If you're really worried, you could call the area hospitals and see if any of your family has been brought in as a patient. You could even call the police and have them to a check up on your parents and grandmother.. they will do that in some places as long as they aren't busy working real emergencies. They will, of course, relay the message that their daughter is very concerned and wanted to be sure they were ok, which I'm sure will light a fire between their toes enough for dad, or step-mom to scurry to the nearest phone.

    Think I would first have one of their close friends go see about finding them first though.  

  8. HI

    ok your stepmoms boyfriend lives an hour away, but is hre a chance he would drive the hur to your step grandmas house,,to put your mind at rest??

    i understand how you feel i worry just like this,,but there are some explantions,,phone out of battery,,they went out for a meal,,etc

    put it like this  if something BAD had happened,,you would have had someone contact you by now.

    So for now try to think no news is good news,,

    please let us know when they get home,,,


    great news--and yes  an explanation would be nice,,

      poor you worrying like that,,,,take care,,

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