
I'm so worried/upset I'm getting sick over it.?

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I'm homeschool.

I only had 3 classes this year.

I had math which I have a C in and Gym which I have a C in

But English I totally FAILED it, with like a 10%

Will I get held back!? I'm so upset and pissed at my self.

My parent are going to flip and i'm so scared, they already think i'm stupid =( *crys*




  1. wow. why are you homeschooled in the first place?

    let me tell you gym in public always get an A.

    you will only get a C if you dont change into gym clothes.

    english with 10% how did you do that?

    held public school but i unno about homeschool and also you may take a summer school class.

    your not stupid

  2. good thing you didnt have to take spelling.

    you spelled cries wrong

  3. I think my daughter is in the same situation she goes to Agora cyber charter school. And she passing everything except science, but of course its more than 3 classes. But all I have to say to you is PRAY and do better next time. Maybe you have to pass 2/3

  4. Are you homeschooling through an online school or public charter?  (I can't imagine that a public charter would allow you to only take 3 classes, but I don't have much experience with them.)

    If you're through a public charter, yes; you'll probably get held back.  Otherwise, grade levels don't mean as much in "traditional" homeschooling - my son only knows what grade he's in so that he knows what to tell people who ask.

    However, it sounds like you need more accountability with your work.  Are you accountable to your parents for your assignments?  If not, you may want to set something up with them - they review your assignments each week to make sure you're getting them in on time and that you understand what you're working on, and if you get behind, you agree to forgo social activities while you get your backside in gear and get caught up.

    I'm sure your parents don't think you're stupid; they may be disappointed with what they perceive to be irresponsibility, but it sounds like you're disappointed in that as well.  There's a difference, though it doesn't always seem like it when you're young.

    Honestly, being accountable to your parents is what you should do, regardless of whether you're homeschooled or in a classroom.  Right now, your education isn't just about cramming info into your head; it's about preparing yourself for what you'll be expected to tackle *after* you've graduated.  Tell your parents what you need help with - study skills, priority and goal setting, scheduling your time, staying on track.  It is your job to learn to do all of these things, but as your parents, it's their job to teach you.  If you need the help, ask them.  

    Yes, they very well might flip; however, if you approach it with "I know I screwed up, but I really want to do better - can you help me learn how to do that?" they'll be more likely to help you rather than just discipline you.  (Discipline might be in there as well - it may be a very unsocial summer - but if you're honest with them, you will likely find that they're willing to help you.)

    Good luck :)

  5. I don't know how you got away with only three classes...

    Try taking the SAT's and see if you can get a score that is the grade you're in.  Like, when I took the SAT's I scored an 11th grade level (Which is good seeings that I'm in 10th =] ) so I knew that I was okay.

    I think your biggest concern is making sure you have enough credits to graduate.  I stuffed the past two years of high school with subjects so that I would be able to graduate on time.  You will probably have to double up on school next year and try to catch up.  Good luck.

  6. Well obviously you didn't work.  It is clear that you know how to read and write, so getting 10% in English can only mean you didn't try.

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