
I'm soo lost??

by  |  earlier

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I dunno what parts of me are real and which are fake...

I dont know who I am, only who i thought I was.

Help! Who am I?




  1. You are an individual human being. An extraordinary person with her very own personality which has been shaped by the life you have led and are now leading. If there is something you don't like about yourself - you can either change it or change your perception of it. If you need help then ask for it - but not on Yahoo Answers. Good luck!

  2. why would you ask this question on yahoo! answers?

  3. well each time you get older something of you changes. so it is all right to not no who you are. in a few weeks or months something will happen and then you will realize who you are.

  4. You need to give yourself some time, you are so young and have such an amazing life ahead of you, give your self a break girl, you are amazing, you just need to search inside yourself and find out what you like and who you want to be.

  5. seeems like you need someone to talk to about some deep personal problems..if you like..go ahead and email me!!


  6. you are what you think you are-- a confused person

    don't worry though, there a million others out there like you,

    perhaps it would even be you that could help them as you so well know how it is to be in your situation and be who you are..

  7. I feel so bad for you.  I was praying for you the other day also.  You are really struggling and at such a young age.  Believe me when I tell you that when you get older, it will not be so hard, but I know that it will also be awhile.  Do you have someone that you can talk to, a counselor.  Are your parents willing to let you get help?  Just keep praying to Jesus, He will help you.  That is also why you can't get involved in the occult and other areas that your seem to be attracted to lately.  These will just case many more problems.  Talk to Jesus, He is your best friend and will make it alright.  Only He has the power to do this.  If you need me write.

  8. need to figure out that one for your self luv its the only real answer youll get...your the only one who can answer that.......maybe you should look into a counseling session or  cna do them one on one or in a group setting its up to you?

  9. Courtney, of course you don't know who are yet.  You're only 13!  I would never want to relive my teenage years because they are the worst.  Hang in there.  What you're going through is normal.  Be patient with yourself and do what you've been doing, which is trying different sports and other things you enjoy.  Don't give up on making friends, and do your schoolwork too.  Everything will fall into place for you.  I know you think you're the only one with who has insecurities and hurt, but you aren't.  You're a normal girl.  Life gets better.

  10. ummmmmmmm...

    maybe you have changed like how you act.

    maybe you was a softy but... then you be came rock hard that is just a example maybe that happend

  11. you are cool you are asking the question. you are open. the only thing certain in life is change, you get it. your not lost your found.  its ok not to know. A tree starts as a seed then grows branches, leaves a trunk.  Leaves drop off new ones grow it changes over its life in size in look total change all from a little seed. Let yourself grow and change its normal.
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