
I'm sooo EXCITED...wont this be just great if it happens... ?

by  |  earlier

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but I have to take it with a JCB load of salt...'cause it was reported in the 'SUN' newspaper.....




  1. I hate Mario Sorry. !

  2. I'm not SO excited.  I don't really care either way.  I just hope it's something that makes Lisa happy.  That's really the only person who should care one way or the other.  I'm glad she'll get to see Mario.  I know she's missed him a lot.

  3. Mmm, well Shannon if it's in The Sun it must be true! PMSL

    Why TF would Mario do that???? Oh I know because he's trying to get some media attention! LMFAO

  4. I thought you be devestated Shannen! I thought you wanted Mario to propose to YOU. He can't do that if Lisa says yes!

  5. Shucks what a shame - you've lost your man Shannen - h**l you have had a lucky escape though!  All a load of publicity for the fame he craves, sad moron!!

  6. So the attention seeking old people are

    milking there Pre arranged proposal to each

    other.The public have shown that these

    two geriatrics are disliked and they would

    do better bringing Steph back in, one

    hour before the spoilt child,Nicole gets

    evicted. That would be a show stopper.

  7. Would be great if Lisa said "NO"!!!  and told him he's a controlling malipulative bully-bullshiner hee hee.

    It's wrong of BB to assume that Lisa won't be evicted tonight.  Okay, yeah, Nicole is the obvious favourite to go, but seems to smell of conspiracy when they announce things like this when the housemate in question is up for eviction.

  8. he's going back in to ask Lisa to Marry him......where does that leave you Shannon.....always the Bridesmaid

  9. I didn't need the link to know that Maria is going to pop the Q, has his divorce from Steph come through then

  10. oh no shannen marios no 1 fan is back lol

    apparantley its true BB have confirmed it (unfortunalty)  

    i take his proposal with a jcb load of **** - nothing to do with him wanting to be back in the limelight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Why would you be excited Shannen?.....He is about to ask Lisa for her hand in marriage....All women including you have had a narrow escape....lmao

  12. That link didn't work for me...

  13. Oh Well.....I guess it may boost flagging audience figures....if nothing else  !!

  14. Those 2 will do anything to make a few bob!

    I appreciate you like this guy but I don't and hope that he isn't staying in the BB house any longer than is absolutely necessary!

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