
I'm sooo excited for university to start. :)?

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I'm not living on campus (my university is in my hometown,) and it's my first year in Biology. I'm both really excited and nervous as heck. I want to survive this year and do well in all aspects -- academically, socially, financially & physically. And and all tips are welcomed. Absolutely anything you have to tell me is very appreciated!!




  1. Oh good luck. :)

    I'm going to University in a week!! I'm so excited and nervous too. But I'm looking forward to it.

    I do highly suggest being friendly. :) Make friends. It really helps. Just talk to people in your class or around campus.

    And keep your chin up and be positive. If you start to stress out, just make sure you know that it will work itself out. :)

    Study, take notes, do your homework, pay attention in class. The teachers there don't really make a personal connection with students as some did in high school. So you kinda have to fend for yourself.

    Financially...that's tough. Just don't go crazy and spend your money on "useless" stuff. Physically, just don't run yourself down. Get enough sleep, eat well, don't go out and party too much. If you stay healthy it will help a lot.

    You'll do just fine!!

  2. One good tip no one told me is that classes in college do not work the same as high school. Take notes like crazy and dont exspect your teachers to go that extra mile to help you. While some teachers might, most will not. Just listen to what they have to teach and take all suggestions from them as a serious note. This will help your studying and test be a lot easier. good luck!

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