
I'm soooo messy!?

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My bedroom is always a mess. I just dump things on the end of my bed or on the floor. I cant help it! What can I do to get out of my habit?

P.S i share a room with my lil sis.




  1. put your things away as you go along i use to be like you but i got fed up with my room looking like a tip couldnt find any thing so i then decided to get my act together and put things away where they belong its alot easier

  2. Just remember the following words of wisdom from my Mum:- "Spiders love clutter".   Made me tidy up my tip of a bedroom as a teenager and yep, under one of the many mounds was infact a whopper of an 8-legged beastie that shot towards me as if it were jet-propelled.

    Obviously this won't work if you have no fear of the evil things.

  3. stop

  4. My kid was the same way until I made him spend the weekend getting it into perfect shape. Now he makes a habit of not throwing anything down, its easier to put it a way then it is to pick it up later,plus he enjoys his room now he actually has room to move, and likes being able to find stuff.

  5. When you get something out, put it back when finished. Amazing how it works.

  6. remember its not only spiders that love mess, its mice and rats too... keeping your bedroom floor free from mess is very important for your safety.. for example if there was a fire in the night, you wouldnt be able to get out as easily and fire spreads much faster when it has messy food to feed on. Remember the feeling you get when the room is so clean and tidy.. and you promise yourself that you will keep it clean? ask your mum to monitor how clean your room is.. and to deduct pocket money from you if its not clean?

  7. Ha im in the same habbit too, what im doing is

    1. dont eat on the bed/bedroom

    2. dont play in ur bedroom

    3. never leave stuff on ur bed
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